PATHWAYS to the GOOD SHEPHERD was the theme chosen for the Retreat in March 2022 after nearly three years in the planning and development stages due to COVID-forced postponements. It was worth the wait! Those of us who were able to gather at Warrambui, near Murrumbateman, felt very privileged to be there.
Walla Walla Women’s Fellowship
Walla Walla Women’s Fellowship was started on 17 December 1925 by Pastor JTP Stolz. The Ladies Guild, as it was called at that time, met quarterly, then in 1927 bi-monthly, and since 1933 monthly. In 1968 a membership of 83 was recorded, and on average 50 attended monthly meetings. In recent years, with less women in the congregation, and more working women involved in family and sporting activities, the average attendance has been less than …
LWNSW Convention – 2021
The 54th LWNSW Convention was held at Immanuel, Woden Valley on Saturday 19 June 2021, more than two years after the last Convention due to COVID-19 restrictions. Around 50 members and guests thanked God for the opportunity to gather together again. A miracle of timing as both NSW and the ACT were back in lockdown almost immediately afterwards. The theme for the day, Building on the Rock was based on Matthew 7:24 Anyone who listens …
Lutheran Women of New South Wales and ACT
Greetings in the name of Jesus our Saviour. May his love strengthen and encourage you.
God can certainly throw us some curve balls!! The last three years have continuously been full of drama, upheaval, and change. I know that through all this God has been guiding, growing, and providing what we need, to do his will.
Challenges of living far from a local church and women’s fellowship!
After many, many years of being active members of Lutheran congregations my husband Gordon and I sold our farm and retired to the township of Grenfell in central NSW so that our youngest child could finish his schooling before seeking employment in Sydney. Our nearest Lutheran congregations are now 100 kilometres away in all directions, and the nearest Lutheran women’s fellowship is the same distance. I miss the fellowship of Lutheran women’s gatherings very much. …
LWNSW Retreat January 2020
Come on a journey with me and I will give you more than you can imagine! Opening my Bible to Ezekiel 34:11–16 with a heading The Good Shepherd of Israel little did I know what a ride it would be! A chance to prepare a Retreat for the women of NSW/ACT was like a gift that came from a freshwater spring. An amazing pathway back in March 2019 with the title Pathways to the Good …
Immanuel, Woden Valley NSW
The year 2020 has been challenging for our Immanuel Church, Woden, Guild Ladies as I’m sure it has been for all small groups around the country. Seniors’ luncheons were cancelled indefinitely. Retreat, fellowship days, Convention, ACT Church Women services, were all cancelled. Church services were live-streamed – thanks to the technical wizards who made that possible – and the rhythm of all our lives was changed, seemingly overnight! Phone calls, though, are a poor substitute …
St Peters Ladies Fellowship – Port Macquarie
After COVID-19 restrictions, we are back! The ladies of St Peters Ladies Fellowship in beautiful Port Macquarie met for our first face to face fellowship in July. After many telephone calls, texts, and notes with one another during the lockdown period, we have been busy ever since making up for lost time. We have been sharing wonderful BYO luncheons at the church before our Bible studies, taken from the Lutheran Women magazine each month, whilst …
Southern Zone Rally – NSW
The theme for the 2019 Southern Zone Rally was Who Am I? hosted by St Stephen’s Church Women’s Fellowship, Culcairn, in the Uniting Church, 56 participants attending. President Betty Scheetz opened proceedings and introduced Pastor Kees Sturm, who based his devotion on the theme. Our identity in Christ is set out in St Peter’s letter to the churches in 1 Peter 1:1–25. Pastor Kees opened his message with the worldly, earthly names that describe us, …
Immanuel Women’s Guild, Woden
A chance remark from a mother to her daughter resulted in a wonderful invitation to members of our Guild. That remark was along the lines of “I wonder if anyone will invite us to a ‘Seniors Luncheon’ when we’re too old to continue this service ourselves”! As is the situation in many areas around Australia, the average age of our group keeps creeping up with the oldest member approaching 90 and others, in, or approaching …
LWNSW President’s Report
Thank you for the opportunity to let you know some of the ways we serve, share, come together and grow. Each year in March we hold a three-day retreat at Warrambui Retreat and Conference Centre. Each retreat is hosted by a volunteer fellowship or group of ladies, making very diverse weekends. It is wonderful to see how God moves the hearts of these host ladies to choose themes and then focus our attention on God …
St Luke’s Evening Fellowship Albury
St Luke’s Evening Fellowship, Albury, is a small group of about eleven members who continue to meet on the third Tuesday of each month. Members are rostered to take the opening devotion of their choice, often using one from Lutheran Women. Pastor David Grulke leads us in Bible Study, the focus of our meeting and providing us with a greater insight into God’s Word. Our program for the year has included a variety of activities …
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