Lutheran women certainly know how to organise and run an inspiring convention, and the recent one held in Murray Bridge, South Australia was no exception! From the beautiful venue at Unity College campus, to the enjoyable spring weather, to the awesome theme, to the magnificent floral arrangements, to the Bible studies and inspiring speakers and presenters, every moment gave those attending an unforgettable experience. A warm welcome President Grace Kroehn warmly welcomed us and opened …
Combined LWQ Retreat and Convention 2023
Lutheran Women of Queensland retreat and Convention was held on 19 –21 May 2023 at Maroochy Waterfront Camp & Conference Centre, Maroochydore. Our theme throughout the weekend was Courage to tell our story, 1 Corinthians 16:13. Long-lasting Wondrous Quality-time or Love Wondrously Qualified were just two acronyms that could be used to describe our first ever combined LWQ Retreat/Convention. Sincere thanks and gratitude to the Legendary Welcoming Quirkiness of the West Moreton Zone for the …
On the cover – October/November 2023
Fruits of the Spirit The Fruit of the Holy Spirit is a biblical term that sums up nine attributes of a person or community living in accord with the Holy Spirit, according to of the Epistle of Paul to the Galatians: But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the sinful …
My physical and spiritual journey through life
My health problems started when I was six weeks old with severe eczema, followed by asthma. In the 1950s, there was no prednisolone creams for eczema nor “puffers” for asthma. I wore bandages day and night, which had to be washed and reused many times. I would, on occasions, have my hands tied to the sides of my bed, to stop me from scratching myself and prevent the open wounds getting infected. I also had …
Lutheran Women of Victoria and Tasmania annual convention 2023
A cool yet sunny morning on Saturday 20 May could not dampen the spirits of those attending the 56th Convention of the Lutheran Women of Victoria and Tasmania (LWVT). It was hosted by Trinity Lutheran Church in Warrnambool and catered for by the parish ladies from Warrnambool, Ayrford, and Hawkesdale. The theme for Convention was Patient Endurance from Revelation 13:10b. Greeting everyone in the foyer was a stunning flower arrangement in autumnal colours of orange, …
LWA Council meets in Adelaide
Held on 26 and 27 July 2023 in North Adelaide, SA, the meeting was attended by five LWA Executive members, two Spiritual Advisers, and two State Executive members each from Qld, NSW/ACT, Vic/Tas, WA and SA-NT. President, Grace Kroehn welcomed everyone present. Pastor John Gerhardy then commenced the first day with a devotion “Jesus Christ is our true Rock”, based on Psalm 40:1-5. David Altus, SA-NT bishop, welcomed the interstate visitors to SA. He gave …
Fruit and ancient fruitful hints – Grapes
In keeping with our Fruits of the Spirit theme and fruits mentioned in the Bible, we are supplying a recipe using the fruit featured each issue. Grapes Leaving fruits out to dry in the sun and air is one of the oldest methods of preserving food. Raisins and dried fruits are simple, wholesome foods, grown by nature and “made” by people basically the same way for thousands of years. The story is told that the …
Christian Women of Influence 1700-1900
New developments in recreation, commercialisation, and industrialisation led to a transformation in occupations available and life during these centuries. In England, although women could work, they could not vote, own land while married, go to a university, earn equal wages, enter many professions, and even report serious cases of domestic abuse. There were no anaesthetics and women sometimes died in childbirth. Infant mortality was high. About one child in four died before their fifth birthday. …
Faithfulness in the storms of life
I was born with impaired vision. Following failed eye surgery at age 16, then told that no more could be done, left me devastated and scared for what my future would be.
My father was a uncompassionate man who had very high expectations which one had to meet. I tried very hard to do that, but I was never good enough . . . put down and declared a failure, never encouraged or felt wanted or loved by him. On occasions I witnessed violence aimed at my mother. At an early age I was raped by a family member. It was covered up. Never dealt with or spoken about again. Home was not a happy place. Read the full story …
On the Cover – August/September 2022
Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us What this means for us We don’t deserve anything we pray for. We sin every day, and all we deserve is punishment. But, in this prayer, we are asking: “Father, do not look at our sins or refuse to listen to our prayers because of them. Instead, give us everything we need simply out of your kindness.” In the same way, when people …
“… droughts and flooding rains”
A collection of first-hand accounts of the floods in Queensland in 2022. SE Qld Flood 2022 March … SE Queensland … Autumn … a beautiful time of the year. The heat is abating, the cyclones and rainy season should be gone. The skies are blue, the air is cooler, and mornings and evenings have a little crispness about them. Well, that’s the way it should be – but not March in SE Queensland in 2022! …
Brekky @ The Hub
Lameroo Regional Community School (LRCS) in the South Australian Mallee has a student population of close to 200 from Kindy to Year 12. About 40 kms east is the Pinnaroo Primary School and equidistant to the west is Geranium Primary School. Secondary students from these schools travel firstly by bus to their own school and are then bussed to Lameroo. This amounts to quite a considerable amount of travel time before they reach LRCS, equating …