LWA Council meets in Adelaide

Held on 26 and 27 July 2023 in North Adelaide, SA, the meeting was attended by five LWA Executive members, two Spiritual Advisers, and two State Executive members each from Qld, NSW/ACT, Vic/Tas, WA and SA-NT.

President, Grace Kroehn welcomed everyone present. Pastor John Gerhardy then commenced the first day with a devotion “Jesus Christ is our true Rock”, based on Psalm 40:1-5.

David Altus, SA-NT bishop, welcomed the interstate visitors to SA. He gave us a short overview of what is happening in the pastoral ministry and reminded us of the green shoots in our church today, and to look for the positives. There is a new Chinese church at Glynde, SA, and a Deaf Ministry Church at Magill, SA, where a new Auslan language pastor will be ordained soon. He encouraged us all in our roles and wished us every blessing in preparing for our Convention in October 2024.

Treasurer, Beryl Smith gave a comprehensive report and explained the five LLL accounts, which we hold, including very healthy Term Deposits for higher interest rates. Balances were shown as at 30 June 2023.

Due to an accumulation of funds over the years, because of COVID, it was decided to allocate the following money:

  • • $10 000 to Indonesia Lutheran Study Centre for “Empowering Women through Leadership and Theological Education” through the Lutheran World Federation in Indonesia;
  • • $1000 to NT Aboriginal Bush camps, held for pastors, future pastors, elders etc., for mission and ministry training and the pastoral ministry (will be sent when it is clarified);
  • • $10 000 to Wokmeri Trening, PNG;
  • • $10 000 each to FRM, Far North Qld and AbMinSA (general project funds);
  • • $10 000 to Myanmar – Through ALWS when we hear of a 5:1 to be sent as unspecified.

Grace Bock, from the Lutheran Women magazine, highlighted some problems with the cost of producing the magazine with paper and postage ever rising, and posting out extra individual copies when the need arises is expensive. As the LWA, we may need to help, support, or even subsidise the magazine to enable the editorial committee to continue. A forward succession plan needs to be looked at for the future of our beloved magazine. We decided to increase the subscriptions from $14 to $20, with an LWA subsidy of $5 per issue per annum until the end of 2024. The state representatives attending were asked to explain the need to increase the subscription price when they meet with their executive committees and attending zone functions in their states.

We heard first-hand from several presenters of the LWA projects:

  • – LCA International Mission, Erin Kerber;
  • – ALWS, Julie Krause;
  • – Tract Mission, Anne Hansen;
  • – ALC Auxiliary, Grace Bock.

News of these projects, benefiting from donations given by our members, is always heartening, and we praise God for the personnel who work in the many and varied mission fields, sharing the good news.

We spent a considerable amount of time working through a draft constitution for LWA. We were most appreciative of the comments made by many of the Council to enable ongoing preparations for this document.

Brett Hausler, Executive Officer of LCANZ, joined us and spoke of the different activities in the church that are being addressed. LWA Council raised several issues which, hopefully, can soon be dealt with.

We enjoyed hearing the state President’s reports and their devotions titled: “United”, “Gray hair is a crown of Glory”, “Jesus Bids us Shine”, “Fear Not’”, and Pastor Paul Fielke’s end of the day devotion titled “Praise and Prayer”.

Everyone was filled in on the plans, that have already been made, for the 2024 LWA Convention. It will be held in Murray Bridge at Unity College on Wednesday and Thursday 2,3 October 2024. Keep a lookout for more information in upcoming magazines at the start of next year.

There certainly was a most wonderful vibe between the 15 ladies and two pastors during these two days. We thank God for all their advice, love and sharing of God’s Word. Praise be to God.

Image: Back Row L to R: Josie Hunt, Chris Kuchel (SA-NT); Charmain Lieschke, Tanna Mackenzie, (NSW/ACT); Annie Gellert, Jenny Gellert, (Vic/Tas); Ronda Hahn, Debbie Dreckow, (WA); Val Kath, Avalon Hall, (Qld)

Front Row L to R: LWA Executive: Pastor Paul Fielke, Dianne Adams, Grace Kroehn, Maureen Turner, Beryl Smith, Val Schild, Pastor John Gerhardy.

About the Author

Maureen Turner

Maureen is part of the editorial team for Lutheran Women and is a member at St Petri Lutheran Church, Nuriootpa SA.

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