Wide Bay – Burnett Zone Rally Day, 21 April 2023

St John’s Lutheran Church, Kingaroy was the setting where 30 ladies gathered for Rally Day, with the theme One body, one spirit, one hope. A welcome morning tea was followed with Holy Communion Service with Modern Liturgy, conducted by Orana Aged Care Chaplain, Jordan Bennett. The president of Kingaroy fellowship welcomed all to the rally with an apology from Zone President, Nola Zerner. Elected office bearers for 2023-24 were: President, Nola Zerner; First Vice President, …

Brisbane North & Sunshine Coast Zone Rally Day 19 April 2023

We gathered at Calvary, Glasshouse Mountains with the theme taken from Genesis 1:24,25: All creatures great and small. There were 38 in attendance to close off our year and make plans for 2023. After a cuppa we were welcomed by Zone President, Marilyn Jonas. All creatures great and small was the opening hymn. Pastor Tom Jantke opened with a devotion based on forgiveness. If you forgive sins, they are forgiven. Jesus said to Thomas, “Blessed …

St Petri Women’s Fellowship

Our fellowship has been very busy with Bible study, outings, fundraisers, guest speakers and other fun activities. Our guest speakers have brought a range of issues to the forefront including dementia and school chaplaincy. A panel of ladies talked about dealing with the death of a loved one. Our soup and rolls luncheon was a great time of fellowship. Marie Heinrich shared with us the Diary of a Pioneer, which gave us an insight into …

Penola Women’s Fellowship

There are seven women in our fellowship, and we meet in Marlen Wittwer’s very comfortable home on the second Thursday of each month. In March 2022, we hosted the Penola World Day of Prayer. Maggie Mott from Naracoorte, originally from England, was our guest speaker. She spoke very passionately about her walk with Christ and his influence in her life as she moved from England to Australia. Twenty-five women attended the day and the offering …

Carlsruhe Ladies Guild 120th Anniversary

There are still a few of us who remember 50 plus years of guild. We were newly married young women trying to settle into a new life, in a new country area, mostly on farms. Very soon, we found we were “expected” to join the Guild, part of St John’s Lutheran Church, Carlsruhe, near Waterloo and Manoora and surrounded by farmland. In my case, my mother-in-law was thrilled to have another driver in the family, me! Thus, she did not have to ask her husband or sons to drive her to guild as they had in the past!

Wide Bay Burnett Zone Fellowship Day 2021

On 13 October, Faith North Bundaberg ladies hosted the day with the theme Under His Wings, text: Matthew 23:37. Fifty-two attended. Karen Bryce from “Faith” and Heidi Lane, Zone President warmly welcomed everyone. Pastor Ryan Norris opened the morning with a devotion from Isaiah 40:28-31. Pastor Ryan stated we should never forget God in our ability to hang on during tough times in life. Take time to remember God’s faithfulness as he is always there …

St Peters, Gerogery

Our St Peters, Gerogery Fellowship continued to meet spasmodically last year, despite restrictions. Our numbers remain at ten even though our congregation numbers are not much more. Pastor Christian Fandrich leads our Bible studies which are taken from Lutheran Women. Pastor makes our studies so interesting, and he encourages discussion. Our President and Secretary/Treasurer have served in their positions for many years. President, Ros Wilksch, has clocked up thirty-five years while Ann Salzke has passed …

Perth World Day of Prayer, 2022

On 4 March, many of the Duncraig ladies travelled to St Anselm’s Anglican church in Kingsley. The church displayed cherished items from England, Wales, and Northern Ireland. Our pastor’s wife, Maria Rudolph, was the guest speaker, and she spoke of growing up in a non-Christian household in East Germany and then backpacking around Australia when she was 18. In Adelaide one day she wandered into a Lutheran church, was made to feel welcome and invited …

Brinkworth Women’s Guild 2022

We have joined up with Brinkworth, Snowtown and Blyth and meet at the Brinkworth Church Hall, on the first Tuesday of each month, ready to have a ball. Those who regularly attend are Coral, Barbara, Rhonda, Joy, Dorothy, Margie, Elva, Joy, Dorathea, and Paster Greg. We get together to find out what’s new. We all enjoy singing and praising the Lord, and “growing” when we are studying his Word. Rhonda Klemm

Zion Women’s Fellowship, Angaston

We are a small fellowship, being fed and led by God’s Word, caring for each other, and doing what we can to help. Our big event last year was a Biggest Morning Tea fundraiser in aid of cancer research, and in honour of one of our members, Joan Habermann. As we have a large hall, being COVID-compliant was very manageable. Our speaker was a local retired doctor, speaking about the latest in cancer research. I …

Blair Athol, Hearts & Hands Women’s Fellowship 2022

Each month we gather to meet on the second Wednesday or Friday. All women of the St Paul Community are warmly invited to attend, currently a core group of around 15 attends. We begin each meeting gathering around his Word for inspiration, encouragement, and solace. Last year we were blessed to be led by our newly installed shepherd, Pastor Matt, to guide us through the Bible studies presented in our Lutheran Women magazine. Our program …