There are seven women in our fellowship, and we meet in Marlen Wittwer’s very comfortable home on the second Thursday of each month. In March 2022, we hosted the Penola World Day of Prayer. Maggie Mott from Naracoorte, originally from England, was our guest speaker. She spoke very passionately about her walk with Christ and his influence in her life as she moved from England to Australia. Twenty-five women attended the day and the offering …
Strait Gate Women’s Fellowship, Light Pass
The yearly program had been organised, and the first meeting got off to a refreshing start, when “that” global pandemic hit us all. The months of an enforced lock-down may have stopped four meetings, yet members kept in-touch with phone calls, texting, letters and notes, and “bumping” into each other in the local supermarket. All felt the strangeness of the direct impact when the church, funerals and businesses/workplaces were closed, and the simple experience of …