There are seven women in our fellowship, and we meet in Marlen Wittwer’s very comfortable home on the second Thursday of each month.
In March 2022, we hosted the Penola World Day of Prayer. Maggie Mott from Naracoorte, originally from England, was our guest speaker. She spoke very passionately about her walk with Christ and his influence in her life as she moved from England to Australia. Twenty-five women attended the day and the offering amounted to $440.
The parish One-Day Retreat was held in Naracoorte in May, with the theme Recognising Temptation. Pastors Deane Meatheringham, Mitch Kitson and Shaun Manning spoke on The Devil, The World, and our Flesh with special reference to Martin Luther’s Small Catechism.
Our parish Zone Rally was held in Millicent in August, with a magnificent show, food wise and venue wise. The hall was decorated with aspects from the Lord’s Prayer. The theme for the Zone Rally was Walk my Way with two guest speakers, Captain Tim Frost who worked as a prison chaplain and Belinda Tilley, a pastoral support care worker.
In December, we hosted the Penola combined women’s Christmas Party in the Presbyterian Church Hall with Stella Kidman, our oldest member, cutting the Christmas cake. There were lots of carol singing and Bible readings, ending with some lovely rain!
In September, we were invited to Kay Braendler’s home by the Naracoorte Guild – a ‘get to know you’ day. Pastor Shaun led the Bible study, then we enjoyed a delicious luncheon. In September we joined Mt Gambier for Bible Study, lunch and the guest speaker, St Martins College Principal.
Pastor Shaun led our Bible studies, and we thank him for the guidance and insight he has given us. The Bible studies and devotions were taken from the Lutheran Women magazine.
We really appreciate the opportunity to meet as a small close-knit group in friendly and attractive surroundings to study God’s Word and grow in fellowship together.
Sue Zwar, President