Women loved by God, sharing this love with others
In keeping with its ideals Lutheran Women of Australia is committed to supporting a number of projects within the Lutheran Church of Australia and its partner churches overseas.
We ask you to remember these projects with your prayers and practical support.
Our current projects are:
- Support for students from overseas to study through Australian Lutheran College
- Aboriginal Missions – Aboriginal Ministry South Australia, Far North Queensland Aboriginal Mission and Finke River Mission
- Australian Lutheran World Service (ALWS)
- Australian Lutheran College Pastoral Ministry Students Assistance Fund
- Australian Lutheran College Women’s Auxiliary
- Papua New Guinea Meri Wok Trening (LCA International Mission)
- Home of Praise in the slums of Bangkok, Thailand. (LCA International Mission)
- Home of Grace, Thailand (LCA International Mission)
- Women's Care and Counselling Centre, Malaysia (LCA International Mission)
- Myanmar – Women's Ministry Support training (LCA International Mission)
- Indonesia – Lutheran Study Centre (LCA International Mission)
Although the Birthing Kits for Papua New Guinea has been removed from the official list of LWA Projects, we still look for your continued support in making up and sending the kits the LCAIM Adelaide. If it is impractical to make and send these kits, you are welcome to support this program with donations to your state treasurers earmarked "Birthing Kit Freight Costs".
Find out more information about our service projects through the Project News in Lutheran Women magazine.
Our women also support various other projects as designated by their particular districts, as well as local congregational/parish and community projects. Find out what each state supports on their pages (click on the states link in the menu above).