LWA Council meets in Adelaide

Held on 26 and 27 July 2023 in North Adelaide, SA, the meeting was attended by five LWA Executive members, two Spiritual Advisers, and two State Executive members each from Qld, NSW/ACT, Vic/Tas, WA and SA-NT. President, Grace Kroehn welcomed everyone present. Pastor John Gerhardy then commenced the first day with a devotion “Jesus Christ is our true Rock”, based on Psalm 40:1-5. David Altus, SA-NT bishop, welcomed the interstate visitors to SA. He gave …

2021 Convention Offering Thank You

Thank you to the kind-hearted and caring women, of Lutheran Women of Australia, who have contributed a total of $20,979.30 to the 2021 Convention Offering which has been shared equally between the Women’s Care and Counselling Centre in Malaysia and the ALC Women’s Auxiliary.

We pray for God’s blessings on the work through this centre in Malaysia and for the auxiliary at ALC as they assist with refurbishing of the units occupied by pastoral ministry students and their families at North Adelaide.

From the LWA Executive

Results of the Guild/Fellowship Voting

The [retiring] LWA Executive wish to thank all Guilds/Fellowships for the replies to the two Proposals the LWA recommended for your consideration. Outstanding results of the two Proposals voted on are: Proposal 2: A special offering taken by the Guilds/Fellowships throughout Australia in place of the Convention offering to support the Australian Lutheran College Women’s Auxiliary (ALC) and Malaysia Women’s Care and Counselling Centre, shared equally.  Thank you for approving the LWA Convention 2021 offering …

Installation of New LWA Committee

The installation of the new LWA Committee took place at Concordia College Chapel, Unley SA, as a part of LCA General Convention livestream Worship Service on Sunday 3 October 2021. (If you wish to view this service, please go to: http://www.generalsynod.lca.org.au/business/livestream/ then go down to ‘Sunday worship service’ This was a very special and memorable day for the new committee. Beginning with the safe travel that brought us together at Concordia Chapel for the service, …

Existing and New Projects for Lutheran Church of Australia International Mission

Like many of you, I was eagerly anticipating our time together in Horsham for the LWA Convention where I was hoping to offer these words of thanks in person and share with you the proposed projects for the next triennium. While that is not possible, I give thanks to God that even a world-wide pandemic and constant lockdowns are not enough to stifle his mission to bring forgiveness and life to people everywhere.
Pastor Matt Anker shares with us the projects that we will be supporting through LCAIM for the next triennia.

A Final Report from your Lutheran Women of Australia Executive

Three years ago, we were elected as your executive and took over from the LWA executive from Queensland. They had done a wonderful job leading the women’s guilds and fellowships throughout Australia.

The following is a brief rundown of our activities over the past triennium. At present, your LWA Executive consists of five members from Victoria and two Spiritual Counsellors who have been overseeing the activities of the State committees and organising the Convention that was due to be held at the end of September this year.

LWA mid-term council meeting report

Lutheran Women of Australia (LWA) Mid-Term Council Meeting 27,28 October 2020 This not being a ‘typical’ year initiated a different way of hosting this mid-term meeting of representatives from across Australia. We met via Zoom, commencing at 12 noon EST to facilitate a respectable time for all to participate, noting a three-hour difference between western and eastern states. Led by our Spiritual Advisors, Pastor Ernie Kiss and Pastor Chris Raatz, our meeting sessions were covered …