This (print) issue of our magazine marks the last for this year … and what a year it has been! Our hearts have ached for our dear sisters in Christ and their families and friends who have endured many hardships; perhaps the worst being separated from loved ones and inability to worship in your church families. Postal delays, industrial troubles and with our October issue a machinery breakdown (all beyond our control) have caused us …
The Ark, Salisbury Women’s Fellowship
We thank God that he has enabled us to meet more frequently this year. We have gained five new members and now have an average attendance of 18. As a group we love: * Singing hymns/spiritual songs; * Having Bible Studies with Pastor Joel; * Praying together; * Socialising together over tea/coffee and biscuits. Some highlights from our year: * We hosted a very successful World Day of Prayer in March. Over 50 attendees from …
Devotion – January 2022
Praise You in the Storm Psalm 34:1 (NLT) I will praise the Lord at all times. I will constantly speak his praises. It’s the start of a new year, and I don’t know about you, but I am finding myself praying for a better one than the year before. Last year was a difficult one for many. For me and my family it was one of lockdowns, isolation, and sometimes loneliness. There were times throughout …
Bible Study – January 2022
Being Strong in the LORD In Paul’s day, well-prepared soldiers protected the Roman Empire’s territories from external threats. But what if the enemy is inside us? Obviously, conventional armour would be useless. So, if we are to engage in spiritual warfare, we need the right armour. The right armour for Christians is the armour of God, for only he can protect our hearts from Satan’s attacks for our struggle is not against flesh and blood, …
Darling Downs Zone Rally – 2021
What a joy it was to awaken on 20 April 2021 to a lovely autumn morning and to know that today we were going to meet as a Zone for our Annual Rally at Our Saviour’s Toowoomba. It has been a long time since we could have fellowship with our sisters outside of our individual ladies’ fellowships. Forty-four sisters, pastors and visitors met under the Theme, Day By Day based on the Bible text …
ALWS – How a house, you helped build, brought a heart full of joy
“My mum and my dad both grew up on farms. So, every school holiday I got to be hissed at by grumpy geese, plopped on by cows I was trying to milk, and shirt-fronted by rams annoyed at being penned for shearing. I also got to see lots of humble, hands-on hard work. Sunrise to sunset, no matter what the weather.” I see that same kind of humble, hands-on hard work in what Lutheran women …
Increased female participation during FRM’s COVID-19 recovery year
This report covers the work of Finke River Mission (FRM) from spring 2020 to spring 2021. Highlights have been the three teaching courses, renovation work at the Hermannsburg Historic Precinct, and having indigenous delegates at Synod for the first time. Besides all this, there have been a few personnel changes. All this has occurred against the background of co-operative weather, but a not always co-operative virus. The year has also been noteworthy for the increased …
Installation of New LWA Committee
The installation of the new LWA Committee took place at Concordia College Chapel, Unley SA, as a part of LCA General Convention livestream Worship Service on Sunday 3 October 2021. (If you wish to view this service, please go to: then go down to ‘Sunday worship service’ This was a very special and memorable day for the new committee. Beginning with the safe travel that brought us together at Concordia Chapel for the service, …
LWNSW Convention – 2021
The 54th LWNSW Convention was held at Immanuel, Woden Valley on Saturday 19 June 2021, more than two years after the last Convention due to COVID-19 restrictions. Around 50 members and guests thanked God for the opportunity to gather together again. A miracle of timing as both NSW and the ACT were back in lockdown almost immediately afterwards. The theme for the day, Building on the Rock was based on Matthew 7:24 Anyone who listens …
President’s reflection – December 2021
Trust, Love, Listen … Wisdom This was the theme of our recently retired President, Wendy Habel’s President’s Reflection twelve months ago. Throughout this past year, we’ve all needed to draw on the strength we gain by the trust we have in a loving Lord and Saviour who listens to our prayers in these times of concern, for the health and safety of our country. So, have we become wiser? We’ve heard from government and health …
Advent Traditions
Since the sixth century, the season of Advent has been set aside as a time of preparation for Christ’s coming. The word Advent is Latin for “coming towards” (“ad” meaning towards and “vent” meaning “to come.”) Most Christians around the world observe four Sundays of Advent. Counting four Sundays back from Christmas Day determines the date of the first Sunday of Advent. Traditionally, churches light one candle each Sunday on their Advent wreath. The candles …
Books for Gifts
If you are looking for a new book to read over the Christmas holidays or a gift for someone. Here are three book suggestions from Australian Christian Resources. We hope you will enjoy at least one of them. Shop online at or contact Australian Christian Resources, 5C 256 New Line Rd, Dural NSW 215890 Minutes in Heaven A True Story of Death & Life By: Don Piper & Cecil Murphey In the ten years …
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