Darling Downs Zone Rally – 2021


What a joy it was to awaken on 20 April 2021 to a lovely autumn morning and to know that today we were going to meet as a Zone for our Annual Rally at Our Saviour’s Toowoomba. It has been a long time since we could have fellowship with our sisters outside of our individual ladies’ fellowships.

Forty-four sisters, pastors and visitors met under the Theme, Day By Day based on the Bible text from Romans 14:5-8. One person thinks that a certain day is more important than other days, while someone else thinks that all days are the same. None of us lives for oneself only, none of us dies for oneself only. If we live it is for the Lord that we live, and if we die, it is for the Lord that we die. So, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord.

Sue Donges explained the lovely display. We start our journey with our Baptism, learning more about God’s love and guidance from our parents, pastors, Sunday school teachers and other people we meet. As we get older, we learn more and, as we see new and wondrous things, we can keep praying, “You’ll be looking along with us”. The display showed shoes placed on shelves, but some shelves were empty, as sometimes we walk away and forget about God. Maybe this is when the world is rough and tough, BUT we can keep praying for courage to keep us going. Two other parts of the display were the Word of God, and the Sacraments – Holy Communion and Baptism. All this we experience Day By Day as we walk with God.

In her welcome, our Zone President, Meryl Rosenberger, read “Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow” by Helen Steiner Rice.

The Devotion and Bible Study lead by Specific Ministries Pastor, Ken Von Pein from Dalby was based on the previous Sunday’s Gospel reading, Luke 24:36b-48. God is present, we are his children … I am the Lord your God. WE need to keep hearing this Good News. ‘I AM’ – ‘Jesus’. He then told us the history of how he came to be an SMP to the people in isolated towns out west. He works in with the Anglican and Uniting churches. He can cover up to 600 kms in one trip and does the odd home visit.

Guest Speaker Joanna Bender from Drought Angels told how the organisation was started by two ladies in Chinchilla, in 2014, after hearing heartbreaking stories of drought from farmers. It started in a Café and grew and grew.

Drought Angels provides a unique service for which it is has become well known within the rural sector. They are a charity run by big hearts who offer a listening ear, a warm hug and personalised support to farming families who are impacted by natural disasters such as drought, fire, and flood. “We like to tell our farmers we don’t deliver charity – but rather a thank you. Thank you for all you do to put the food on our tables and clothes on our backs”.

The usual formalities also took place during the day. New LWQ President Shirley Horrigan gave a report. Praise Time was enjoyed with some lovely hymns/songs being sung.

After prayerful consideration by our sisters, Val Kath agreed to stand for Zone President for one year as no names had been put forward, and Jenny Stollznow as First Vice President. We thank these ladies from the bottom of our hearts for taking on these roles. The Extra Member positions were also filled by ladies volunteering from the floor.

First Assistant Bishop Mark Vainika read a report on behalf of Bishop Paul Smith. He then installed the new Darling Downs Zone Executive.

President, Val Kath; First Vice President, Jenny Stollznow; Secretary, Hazel Weis; Treasurer, Avalon Hall; Extra Members, Joy Wurst, Cheryl VonHoff, Beth Toomey, Gloria Hamilton; Spiritual Advisor, Pastor Mark Demmer.

Pastor Mark led an inspirational Closing Devotion. On Epiphany Day in January, he was struck by lightning. He remembers seeing a whitest of white lights, then felt pain down his arm. For three days after, he experienced a great peace. It is for the Lord that we live or die. You are safe in the arms of the Lord. Nothing to fear. We are not as much in control as we think we are … God is … as in Pastor Mark’s experience, a lightning strike. He closed with prayer. Two favourite songs were sung to close the day.

Thank you to the Cornerstone Parish (Our Saviour’s/St Peter’s Warwick) for hosting the day.

With Christian Greetings,

Lois Schultz

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