Conversations: Jesus and … the woman who was healed of her bleeding issue (Matthew 9:20–22, Luke 8: 42b–48, Mark 5:25–34)
Holy Spirit, we ask you for insight. Bring God’s Word alive to us, please – in Jesus’ name.
During 2020, in the months after COVID-19 was detected in Australia, we became accustomed to all manner of social restrictions, and especially so in Victoria with their lengthy lockdowns. We discovered that, for most people, social isolation is not an easy thing to deal with. For extroverts and their need to connect and communicate and share ideas it was challenging. For introverts and their need to have space to think, to process things, it may have given some welcome relief perhaps.
The woman in these readings was isolated. Each of the synoptic Gospels mention the length of time during which she had been suffering. She’d had a discharge of blood, beyond her monthly period, and had spent all she had trying to get help.
Please read Leviticus 15:19–31 for some background to this situation.
Describe the restrictions that were placed on her, and the likely impact in all her relationships and conversations. (discuss in twos or threes – 5 minutes?)
Ask for two (?) feedback responses.
An unnatural discharge, possibly caused by disease, was treated like a sickness, and required an offering upon recovery. My NIV Study Bible says v31 is addressed to priests, thereby emphasising the importance of the regulations as it applies to people entering the tabernacle, the place where the holy God dwells among his people. Sin separates us all from God; but the blood of Jesus cleanses us from every sin, setting us free to come boldly to God’s throne of grace, to find mercy and grace every day (see Romans 3:22–24; Ephesians 1:7,8; Hebrews 4:14–16).
Have a different reader (voice) read our three readings for this study:
Matthew 9:20–22, Luke 8: 42b–48, Mark 5:25–34.
Describe the similarities and differences between these Gospel accounts.
A Closer Look
We will focus on the longer Gospel account found in Mark 5:25–34.
Any of us who have experienced a prolonged physical/health difficulty have had a taste of its potential impact. This woman’s life would have entailed misery and possibly despair. She would have been shunned by people generally since anyone having contact with her would have been made ceremonially unclean. That means family, friends, community! Yet she was there in the crowd!
What gave her the courage to risk disapproval and rejection to be there? (v27)
How would she have heard about Jesus?
Why do you think she came up behind Jesus instead of in front of him?
Twelve years of being classified as “unclean” would have deeply impacted her self-esteem and wellbeing. When we have suffered rejection, it’s then so easy to unwittingly reject others before they have a chance to reject us! Her loss had been not only physical, but emotional, psychological, and spiritual. Usually when we experience prolonged or chronic pain, it affects every part of our person, quite likely diminishing us.
Describe what you think v29 might have been like for her. (discuss in twos or threes – 5 minutes?)
Ask for two (?) feedback responses.
We are not told how Jesus knew that power had gone out from him. But he knew.
Why do you think Jesus pursued with his question “Who touched me?” (vv30–32)
It’s so encouraging that the Lord knows when faith is present! When we are looking to ourselves or comparing ourselves with others, we are likely to be using a wrong measure simply because we are looking at self – our inadequacies or our pride, blind to our deception. But when our focus is to Jesus, help is readily available because it comes from him by the power of his Spirit at work in us. And he knows when we are looking to him.
What was the LORD looking for in 2 Chronicles 16:9a, and why?
Putting faith into action requires taking steps, risking stepping out yet trusting the Lord to enable us, to lead us, to work in and through us. A very useful tool he has given us to help us is the gift of prayer, in the context of the relationship of love of the Godhead: Father, Lord Jesus, Holy Spirit.
Please read Romans 5:1–5. What catches your attention in these verses? (discuss in twos or threes – 5 minutes?)
Ask for two (?) feedback responses.
Have you realised that the Holy Spirit both looks to encourage you and loves to encourage you? There’s a big difference between our human perspective and God’s perspective. The woman, feeling caught out and exposed, came trembling with fear and fell at Jesus’ feet.
Please re-read Mark 5:32,34. How would you describe what’s happening in this conversation?
Jesus wanted the woman to know that he commended her faith. Not only was she healed physically, but in speaking peace to her he was speaking life and salvation to her – healing her whole person. And because this has happened publicly, he also restores her to her community, declaring publicly that she is no longer unclean but clean. That’s much more than she may have dreamt of or imagined! But that’s what the Lord delights in doing – see Ephesians 3:20,21.
Please pray Hebrews 13:20,21 in blessing each other (using just one translation?)
Prayer: And Lord: Abba Father, King Jesus, Holy Spirit, we praise and honour you for your love and faithfulness, your compassion for humankind demonstrated to us, inviting us to come boldly to you at any time. We bless you! Amen.