Conversations – Jesus and the woman with a bleeding issue
Every concern you have matters to God. So, what’s on your mind right now? Where do you want God to show up in your life?
Conversations – Jesus and the woman with a bleeding issue
Every concern you have matters to God. So, what’s on your mind right now? Where do you want God to show up in your life?
During 2020, in the months after COVID-19 was detected in Australia, we became accustomed to all manner of social restrictions, and especially so in Victoria with their lengthy lockdowns. We discovered that, for most people, social isolation is not an easy thing to deal with. For extroverts and their need to connect and communicate and share ideas it was challenging. For introverts and their need to have space to think, to process things, it may have given some welcome relief perhaps.
Our God is an awesome God, he reigns from heaven above, with wisdom, power and might. Our God is an awesome God.
These are the words of a song I have sung many times recognising the majesty of God and his amazing power. He is the one who created the world and you and me. Long before we were born, he already knew about us – our strengths, our weaknesses, our successes, and our failures. To believe this is to live by faith. He knew all about us and chose to make us the way we are, because he loves us.
Imagine yourself in your local town. For a long time, there has been a person with a disability sitting outside but near the entrance to the local supermarket. The person has a container in front of them to receive donations, plus a note about their situation. The person may or may not be receiving any NDIS support; you don’t know. You are used to seeing this person sitting there. Perhaps they simply want to be near other people?