The installation of the new LWA Committee took place at Concordia College Chapel, Unley SA, as a part of LCA General Convention livestream Worship Service on Sunday 3 October 2021. (If you wish to view this service, please go to: then go down to ‘Sunday worship service’
This was a very special and memorable day for the new committee. Beginning with the safe travel that brought us together at Concordia Chapel for the service, Bishop John Henderson’s address, the installation of our executive committee, the celebration of Holy Communion together and the fellowship that followed. Unley Lutheran congregation provided a most delicious morning tea.
COME! LISTEN! LIVE! This sermon was the third part (LIVE!) of the adjourned Synod service, taken from Isaiah 55:3, 10–13.
Excerpts from Bishop John’s address:
God’s Word does what it needs to do. God promises that his Word will take root and grow in us. We don’t earn or create salvation for ourselves any more than dry earth produces a crop on its own, it only happens when the rain falls. The same with us, on our own we produce nothing – we wait for God’s Word and then he produces the results. We do rely on God for everything, and we need to be reminded of that. Everything we do is in God’s hands. We can be amazed at what he is doing. Those words which are spoken to us, then spoken amongst us. We are to be the mouth of God in what God wants us to do. Jesus sets us free – we are redeemed, our captivity is over.
We were privileged to have Bishop John install us as one of his last duties as LCANZ Bishop.
The newly installed committee members are from SA and WA:
President, Grace Kroehn
Vice President, Maureen Turner
Secretary, Val Schild
Treasurer, Beryl Smith
Extra Member, Dianne Adams – from WA
As women, we can be aware that God is with us in all that we do and say as we fellowship together in our guilds/fellowships, Retreats, Conventions and Fellowship Days.
The final song at this service was the theme song for 2021 LWA Convention Yet not I but through Christ in me. As the camera was moving around the Chapel, it was a song that quite a few people were ‘bopping’ to.
Isaiah 55:3 Pay close attention! Come to me and live. I will promise you the eternal love and loyalty that I promised David.