As we see it

This (print) issue of our magazine marks the last for this year … and what a year it has been!

Our hearts have ached for our dear sisters in Christ and their families and friends who have endured many hardships; perhaps the worst being separated from loved ones and inability to worship in your church families.

Postal delays, industrial troubles and with our October issue a machinery breakdown (all beyond our control) have caused us many anxious moments in getting your magazines to you.

On the brighter side we have learnt to endure and, more importantly to completely rely on the giver of all good, our loving heavenly Father, who has not forsaken us.

That is why we can confidently exclaim our theme for this issue “Hallelujah! The Lord reigns!”

During the past weeks, we have noted the forced cancellation of our much-anticipated Convention and grieved with the outgoing LWA Executive losing the privilege of hosting us. We have rejoiced, too, at the installation of our new Executive on 3 October (see following pages).

There are some important things to note :

  • There is an updated list of LWA Projects for the next triennium here
  • The results of your voting for Proposals 2 and 5 from the Book of Reports here
  • New details, price and address for your magazine and the way you will receive it beginning 2022 here.

We ask you to note, especially, changes in the address for our new president and secretary as well as our magazine here.

Thank you to our Bible Study writers this year. We rejoice to hear that the studies are widely used with many outside of our guilds and fellowships using them. We acknowledge our Devotions writer Elise. Thank you and “God Bless” our outgoing president, Wendy, for her messages and encouragement and her committee and spiritual advisors for their support during their time in office.

We have been blessed to have many willing contributors of articles. To them we say a heartfelt thanks. Finally, we gratefully note the work of our state reporters who make sure we have lots of news of state happenings each issue.

Last, but not least, to you our readers, we hope you have had as many blessings from Lutheran Women this past year as we have had in its production. We wish you a joyous Christmas-tide and look forward to serving you next year.

Glory to God in highest heaven,
Who unto us His Son hath given!
While angels sing with pious mirth
A glad new year to all the earth.
LHS 23 v13

Grace, Maureen, Felicity.

About the Author

Grace Bock

Grace has a passion for Lutheran Women of Australia, having served as President and Editor of Lutheran Women. She is a member at Bethlehem Lutheran Church, Adelaide SA and is part of the Editorial Team.

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