In 2021, we held all our monthly meetings with an average attendance of 27 ladies, except in August which was cancelled due to COVID. The Tanunda churches took turns to host meetings, providing a musician and afternoon tea according to COVID restrictions. Pastors Guntars Baikovs, Jim Bryan and the late David Preuss led us in memorable Bible Studies. Birthdays were celebrated with cards and a Bible reading. “Getting To Know You” was aided by everyone …
LWWA Friendship Day held at Duncraig on 30 October, 2021
It was a beautiful day where nearly 60 ladies and a few guys came together to enjoy time together in God’s presence for a fellowship day titled Abundant Blessings. We were blessed to have Bishop Mike Fulwood, Pastor Glenn Crouch, Pastor Rudolph, and his lovely wife Maria, to lead us for the day. We commenced the day with singing of several songs 10,000 Reasons, Shout to the Lord and Blessed Assurance. Maria Rudolph was our …
Lotte’s Story
Lotte Hoopmann is a spritely 96-year-old (at the time of publication) with a wonderful sense of humour, who enjoys living in her serviced apartment at Fullarton in suburban Adelaide. This is her story of war, flight, emigration, internment and service.
Underdale Women’s Fellowship 2021
Although our membership is small, and we do not have a resident pastor, we enjoy meeting regularly. The monthly Devotions and Bible Studies, printed in Lutheran Women are really appreciated, thank you to all who contribute. In March, we took part in the World Day of Prayer, with 2021 focusing on Vanuatu. In 2022, we will be the hosts praying for people in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland. In June, we combined with Unley Fellowship …
St John’s Unley Women’s Fellowship 2021
In 2021, we were blessed to be able to meet for nine out of our 10 meetings, observing social distancing and with the use of masks. The Committee met in January to organise the program for the year. Our fellowship has a membership of 25 with an average attendance of 16. We use the Bible Study from the Lutheran Women magazine. Pastor Andrew Brook has led us but, in October, Sal Huckel personally presented her …
Thoughts on our Father and his precious name
I wonder if Jesus was teaching us, when he started off the prayer with, “Our Father who art in heaven” that, “God is here. God is there. God is everywhere. Pray – so that YOU can reconnect with Abba, our Father, our Parent, our Creator, the One who was and is and is to come, Lord of Heaven and Earth”. It’s not the purpose of our call to bring God closer to us, but to bring our attention back to God.
Devotion – March 2022
The naming of a child is done with much thought. From conception, parents spend time discussing what their longed-for child will be called. They look for names to suit the child which are meaningful, remember cherished relatives or friends, fashionable, even unique in spelling – teachers love these.
God has many names which describe his characteristics and actions. To Abraham, he revealed himself as El Shaddai, God Almighty. Moses asked God what name he should use to affirm his authority to lead the Israelites out of Egypt. I am Jahweh – the Lord, God replied with a name he had not revealed to his covenant people before. God’s name is holy and he wants it kept that way. He has given us only two names which express his being.
Bible Study – March 2022
Can you think of a time when you made your parents sad or disappointed in you? When your behaviour and words grieved them and perhaps even made them (and you) ashamed?
It’s a horrible feeling, isn’t it? Now think of a time when you made your parents, or an adult you respected, proud of you. When your words or actions brought honour to them, and made them glad? That feels a whole lot better, doesn’t it?
These memories may help us to understand a little better the first petition of the Lord’s Prayer.
This is the second in Pauline Simonsen’s study of the first petition of the Lords Prayer.
Life in the Goldfields and how God has blessed me
I came to Kalgoorlie in 1983 with my husband and two young children aged four and two. My husband had a two-year contract with the then Probation and Parole (Justice) System. Before leaving Perth, people asked, “What are you going there for? Everything is rusty and there are no trees … you will be back in no time”.
Read the full article – an adaptation of a talk given by Kerry Atkinson at the 2021 LWWA Convention, Kalgoorlie, WA.
Remain in God’s Love
“Keep yourselves in God’s love as you wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to bring you to eternal life.” Jude 21 (NIV) Some of my most beautiful memories are of Easter Sunday morning. In all the different parishes we have been, the sunrise service gives me “goosebumps”. Maybe it is the freshness of the morning and the significance that it was at sunrise that our Saviour Jesus Christ rose from the grave …
These Precious Days – by Ann Patchett
These Precious Days is a collection of personal essays by Ann Patchett, the prize-winning author of several wonderful novels (Bel Canto and Commonwealth stand out as particular favourites) and the gorgeous memoir Truth and Beauty. She writes with such elegance and sensitivity, that no matter what topic she chooses to explore, I have complete trust in her ability to craft an interesting story about it. Her work is reliably enjoyable.
Read Megan Koch’s review of this beautiful book by Ann Patchett.
So … is the Drought really over?
Australia is indeed blessed!
We have weathered the global pandemic better than most countries and are now in the fortunate position of re-opening our doors to the rest of the world, gradually restoring a sense of normality in our daily lives.
Throughout the pandemic Australia was fortunate to be home to some of the best food and textile producers in the world, enabling us to feed and clothe our own with confidence despite closed borders and halted imports.
In a heartbreaking twist, sadly, some of the same farmers who continue to feed and clothe us even to this day, are doing so while struggling to feed and clothe their own families.
In 21st Century Australia how can this be happening?
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