In 2021, we held all our monthly meetings with an average attendance of 27 ladies, except in August which was cancelled due to COVID. The Tanunda churches took turns to host meetings, providing a musician and afternoon tea according to COVID restrictions. Pastors Guntars Baikovs, Jim Bryan and the late David Preuss led us in memorable Bible Studies.
Birthdays were celebrated with cards and a Bible reading.
“Getting To Know You” was aided by everyone having to match with the other person’s half of a tract. Prayer Partners was implemented with all members given another member to pray for, culminating in everyone giving their prayer partner a small gift at our Christmas luncheon. Jenny Schubert gave a talk about her experiences as a volunteer at Hermannsburg Mission. Jo Freckleton showed us scarves for Tanunda Lutheran Home residents used instead of bibs. Some of our members have sewn some of these colourful scarves.
Liz McGregor spoke of her 35 years as a police officer – 30 of which were possible due to her kidney transplant. Pastor Michael Prenzler of the Adelaide Deaf Church with Julian Muzzeo and his interpreter, Emma Cresdee, gave an insight into the world of the deaf.
Stories and poems about our mothers were shared but matching our mothers’ photos with our members was an exercise in “intelligent guessing”!
The Mannum LWSA-NT Convention and the Barossa Zone Fellowship Day were attended by several members.
Invitations to all ladies of our churches did not add to our declining numbers. Nevertheless, we thank God for his presence among us, the fellowship we have and the privilege we have, to support all LWA projects.
Rae Materne, President