LWA mid-term council meeting report

Lutheran Women of Australia (LWA)
Mid-Term Council Meeting
27,28 October 2020

This not being a ‘typical’ year initiated a different way of hosting this mid-term meeting of representatives from across Australia. We met via Zoom, commencing at 12 noon EST to facilitate a respectable time for all to participate, noting a three-hour difference between western and eastern states.

Led by our Spiritual Advisors, Pastor Ernie Kiss and Pastor Chris Raatz, our meeting sessions were covered in prayers and devotions.

A Book of Reports was compiled prior to sessions, and these were moved as read by the states and executive committee.

My report was very brief, as this year all commitments had to be cancelled due to the pandemic. We have a current membership of 2,776 ladies. Thankfully, I was able to attend the WA, SA-NT, and NSW State Conventions in 2019 prior to any COVID.

Presidents of our states also presented up-to-date reports on state activities.

Our treasurer, Irene Geer, reported a decrease in funds so far this year; donations of $20,498.05 had been received as of end of September 2020. We give thanks for the continuing interest over the past year as guilds and fellowships have continued to support the projects.

On our agenda was the LWA Convention, to be held on 24,25 September 2021 in Horsham, Victoria. BEING Strong in the Lord is our theme. Details for registering will be printed in our magazine and appear on our LWA website, as well as any information pertinent to the convention.

Debbie Venz, LCA Business Manager, gave an overview of the planning for Synod 2021.

Pastor Wally Schiller presented a draft of the updated LWA Constitution. This will be forwarded to the guilds for your comments and then presented at the convention.

Grace Bock, on behalf of the LWA magazine team, reported that, through this year of COVID lockdowns, our publication has been there for members when we have not been able to physically meet together. What a blessing to have been able to have access to devotions and Bible studies through this period. The added bonus of receiving individual mail-outs has shown us that this was a positive move and that, with a small increase to cover postage, we would love this to be an ongoing venture. Digital subscriptions are also gaining in numbers and this is an additional way of presenting to and encouraging women of differing ages and stages in their lives.

A report from ALC Women’s Auxiliary, was expanded on as they strive to keep up and maintain the seminary students’ accommodation.

Pastor Matt Anker from LCA International Mission presented a list of new and continuing projects that will be presented and ratified at convention. It is an exciting time as we can assist with our monetary donations to support and further the Lord’s work.

Proposals have been presented and they will be circulated to all guilds/fellowships and will be voted on at Convention.

Finally, thank you to all members, and blessings to your state executives as you prepare for your own conventions and we pray that we will all meet together in September at Horsham.

Wendy Habel, LWA President

About the Author

Wendy Habel

Wendy is President of Lutheran Women of Australia and a member of the Editorial team.

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