Three years ago, we were elected as your executive and took over from the LWA executive from Queensland. They had done a wonderful job leading the women’s guilds and fellowships throughout Australia.
The following is a brief rundown of our activities over the past triennium. At present, your LWA Executive consists of five members from Victoria and two Spiritual Counsellors who have been overseeing the activities of the State committees and organising the Convention that was due to be held at the end of September this year.
LWA mid-term council meeting report
Lutheran Women of Australia (LWA) Mid-Term Council Meeting 27,28 October 2020 This not being a ‘typical’ year initiated a different way of hosting this mid-term meeting of representatives from across Australia. We met via Zoom, commencing at 12 noon EST to facilitate a respectable time for all to participate, noting a three-hour difference between western and eastern states. Led by our Spiritual Advisors, Pastor Ernie Kiss and Pastor Chris Raatz, our meeting sessions were covered …