Devotion – August 2022

We are all familiar with the sign that says: TRESPASSERS WILL BE PROSECUTED!

It means that you need permission to be in the place where you are. It means don’t go there, stay out. There will be consequences for disobeying. Still, we mentally measure up the risk and decide whether it’s better to rely on forgiveness rather than get permission. Human nature is at work. Human nature is aligned with St Paul when he writes in Romans 7:14,15 (NLT) about the struggle we have with God’s Law which clearly points out our sinful nature. So, the trouble is not with the law, for it is spiritual and good. The trouble is with me, for I am all too human, a slave to sin. I don’t really understand myself, for I want to do what is right, but I don’t do it. Instead I do what I hate…

Read Pam’s full devotion here …

The Lord’s Prayer: Teach us how to pray – Bible Study, August 2022

Who taught you how to pray?

Are there any people you can name as mentors/influential in your prayer life?

Do you remember learning the Lord’s Prayer?

How have you prayed it over the years?

What happens in your mind as you pray it in our weekly liturgy?

If your church does not use liturgy regularly, do you still use this prayer? Why or why not?

Think more about prayer with this Bible Study by Sal Huckel …

President’s Reflections – August/September 2022

Debts, trespasses, sins … many of us have, over quite a time, possibly prayed these words in a version of The Lord’s Prayer. You can probably think of many other words which have “changed” to suit the times. So … debts come to mind, as something we might owe … trespasses, we’ve gone somewhere the sign told us not to go … sins, we’ve done something wrong and hurt someone or something. Transgressions is another …

On the Cover – August/September 2022

Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us What this means for us We don’t deserve anything we pray for. We sin every day, and all we deserve is punishment. But, in this prayer, we are asking: “Father, do not look at our sins or refuse to listen to our prayers because of them. Instead, give us everything we need simply out of your kindness.” In the same way, when people …

Wide Bay Burnett Zone Fellowship Day 2021

On 13 October, Faith North Bundaberg ladies hosted the day with the theme Under His Wings, text: Matthew 23:37. Fifty-two attended. Karen Bryce from “Faith” and Heidi Lane, Zone President warmly welcomed everyone. Pastor Ryan Norris opened the morning with a devotion from Isaiah 40:28-31. Pastor Ryan stated we should never forget God in our ability to hang on during tough times in life. Take time to remember God’s faithfulness as he is always there …