PATHWAYS to the GOOD SHEPHERD was the theme chosen for the Retreat in March 2022 after nearly three years in the planning and development stages due to COVID-forced postponements. It was worth the wait! Those of us who were able to gather at Warrambui, near Murrumbateman, felt very privileged to be there.
LWNSW Retreat January 2020
Come on a journey with me and I will give you more than you can imagine! Opening my Bible to Ezekiel 34:11–16 with a heading The Good Shepherd of Israel little did I know what a ride it would be! A chance to prepare a Retreat for the women of NSW/ACT was like a gift that came from a freshwater spring. An amazing pathway back in March 2019 with the title Pathways to the Good …
LWV Retreats 2019
Theme: Who is in the Kingdom of God? We are! It seems that Vic/Tas does things a little differently from other States! In addition to the State Convention and the various Zone Rallies, for over 50 years now, the LWV has hosted multiple retreats around the state every year. Of our six retreats, Vic/Tas hold four one-day retreats rotating through our Metro, Western, Wimmera, Northern and Gippsland Zones. These are bookended by two weekend retreats …