We gathered at Calvary, Glasshouse Mountains with the theme taken from Genesis 1:24,25: All creatures great and small. There were 38 in attendance to close off our year and make plans for 2023. After a cuppa we were welcomed by Zone President, Marilyn Jonas.
All creatures great and small was the opening hymn. Pastor Tom Jantke opened with a devotion based on forgiveness. If you forgive sins, they are forgiven. Jesus said to Thomas, “Blessed are those who have not seen yet believe”. We all have wounds – marks of scars – emotional scars remain. God forgives.
Pastor Ben Hentschke from LCAQD gave a report of the ebb and flow in the churches. St Paul wrote to the people of Corinth so that they would know right from wrong. Christ is our Redeemer. We are to share in communion with him. We are to encourage one another and be a blessing to many people in our guilds/fellowships and those we meet.
Marilyn Jonas stepped down as President. Marilyn has become a grandma to twin boys and will help her daughter.
Zone Treasurer, Pam Flesser, announced that $1244 Project money from 2022, will be forwarded to LYQ. Project monies for LWA and LWQ amounted to $5270.
Guest speaker, Lois Spann, enlightened us further on the work done by those who travel throughout Australia with their caravans, stopping and helping for a day or two or a few weeks. Pam spoke to Proposal 1: that the offering for the day be given to “Blaze Aid” for the work they do volunteering, helping farmers affected by bushfires and floods.
Proposal 2: that the project for 2023 be to LYQ for support for Upper Primary students to attend camps.
Guest speaker, Lyn Jantke gave us an overview of her wildlife photography since retiring. It started as a hobby to document the wildlife in the native garden she and husband Pastor Tom developed in their first retirement home. Her hobby now encompasses a wider understanding of Australian biodiversity.
Ruth Geitz was welcomed as the new President. The new executive of the Zone was installed by Pastor Tom Jantke. Jill Schefe gave us an interesting take on the animals of the Bible in her closing devotion. Jill encouraged us to work together like “ants” to get things done. The dove represents the Holy Spirit who loyally watches over us.
Fellowship over lunch ended our day.
Pam Flesser, Reporter