Darling Downs Zone Rally – March 2022

Lutheran Women of the Darling Downs met for their annual Rally on 22 March 2022 in the lovely country setting at Glencoe, hosted by Bethlehem, Glencoe and St John’s, Wilsonton. President Val Kath welcomed 58 ladies, seven visitors and four pastors to the half-day rally. The theme was Give Thanks in All Circumstances (1 Thessalonians 5:18). PowerPoint slides displayed the banner, many slides showing various aspects of life for which people give thanks, key points …

Whyalla, St James Women’s Fellowship

Whyalla St James Women’s Fellowship is a very active group of Christian women who enjoy meeting together with Bible studies, fellowship and working hard. We have 14 members with the average attendance being 10. We started 2021 by getting together for Sunday lunch at a local hotel. It was great opportunity to catch up with each other after the challenges of 2020. The year 2021 saw us change our monthly meeting times from evenings to …

Woden Valley ACT, Immanuel Ladies Women’s Fellowship

Woden Valley ACT, Immanuel Ladies Women’s Fellowship, continued to meet throughout 2021, although we did have to make concessions to meet the COVID-19 guidelines. We sat at a larger grouping of tables in the church hall, records of attendance were kept, masks were worn (except when eating), no unnecessary touching, and we brought our own individual lunches. Of course, there was much sanitising and cleaning going on! All strange at first but everyone adjusted quickly, …

Walla Walla Women’s Fellowship

Walla Walla Women’s Fellowship was started on 17 December 1925 by Pastor JTP Stolz. The Ladies Guild, as it was called at that time, met quarterly, then in 1927 bi-monthly, and since 1933 monthly. In 1968 a membership of 83 was recorded, and on average 50 attended monthly meetings. In recent years, with less women in the congregation, and more working women involved in family and sporting activities, the average attendance has been less than …

Upcoming state events

LWNSW & ACT – 55th ANNUAL CONVENTION Saturday April 30, 2022 Theme: CARRIED IN OUR SHEPHERD’S ARMS Based on: Isaiah 40:11 Venue: LifeWay Lutheran Church 56 Norfolk Road Epping, NSW Registration and morning tea: 9.00am Commencement: 9.45am with Devotion All welcome 55TH LUTHERAN WOMEN OF SA-NT CONVENTION Thursday 5th May 2022 at the Lobethal Lutheran Church. Theme: From Age to Age the Same Scripture text: Psalm 90:1,2 LWWA CONVENTION Saturday 7 May 2022 St Luke’s Lutheran …

Tanunda Lutheran Women’s Fellowship, 2021

In 2021, we held all our monthly meetings with an average attendance of 27 ladies, except in August which was cancelled due to COVID. The Tanunda churches took turns to host meetings, providing a musician and afternoon tea according to COVID restrictions. Pastors Guntars Baikovs, Jim Bryan and the late David Preuss led us in memorable Bible Studies. Birthdays were celebrated with cards and a Bible reading. “Getting To Know You” was aided by everyone …

LWWA Friendship Day held at Duncraig on 30 October, 2021

It was a beautiful day where nearly 60 ladies and a few guys came together to enjoy time together in God’s presence for a fellowship day titled Abundant Blessings. We were blessed to have Bishop Mike Fulwood, Pastor Glenn Crouch, Pastor Rudolph, and his lovely wife Maria, to lead us for the day. We commenced the day with singing of several songs 10,000 Reasons, Shout to the Lord and Blessed Assurance. Maria Rudolph was our …

Underdale Women’s Fellowship 2021

Although our membership is small, and we do not have a resident pastor, we enjoy meeting regularly. The monthly Devotions and Bible Studies, printed in Lutheran Women are really appreciated, thank you to all who contribute. In March, we took part in the World Day of Prayer, with 2021 focusing on Vanuatu. In 2022, we will be the hosts praying for people in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland. In June, we combined with Unley Fellowship …

St John’s Unley Women’s Fellowship 2021

In 2021, we were blessed to be able to meet for nine out of our 10 meetings, observing social distancing and with the use of masks. The Committee met in January to organise the program for the year. Our fellowship has a membership of 25 with an average attendance of 16. We use the Bible Study from the Lutheran Women magazine. Pastor Andrew Brook has led us but, in October, Sal Huckel personally presented her …

Strathalbyn Ladies’ Fellowship

Our 29 happy, caring, and enthusiastic ladies meet on the first Wednesday in the month. We begin with a prayer, followed by the devotion taken from the Lutheran Women magazine. Ruth Eckermann (our president) leads us in our Bible study which is taken from Life Changing Bible Verses Every Women Should Know written by Rebecca Luther. During 2020, we were sad to lose two of our members who have gone to be with our Heavenly Father. …

Maitland (SA) Women’s Guild Fellowship Afternoon

Pastor Steve Hibbard and 18 ladies attended the Guild Fellowship Afternoon on Wednesday 2 June 2021. The theme for the day was taken from 2 Timothy 1:6, Stir up the gift of God. To keep with the theme, Cathy Hibbard made crosses for a take home gift, using a coffee sachet and a wooden spoon which displayed the Bible text. A $5 coffee voucher to a local coffee shop was the door prize won by …

The Ark, Salisbury Women’s Fellowship

We thank God that he has enabled us to meet more frequently this year. We have gained five new members and now have an average attendance of 18. As a group we love: * Singing hymns/spiritual songs; * Having Bible Studies with Pastor Joel; * Praying together; * Socialising together over tea/coffee and biscuits. Some highlights from our year: * We hosted a very successful World Day of Prayer in March. Over 50 attendees from …