An old sandstone return verandah villa is pictured. The photo is sepia toned.

Service with a smile

As the age of the population increases, so does the need for more aged care villages. More recently, greater diversity in the aged care sector has seen a greater offer of independent living, hostel or semi-dependent living, general nursing home care and secure nursing home facilities. The variety and scope provided is as varied as the number of operators providing these facilities. Our readers are sure to be aware of the many aged care facilities …

Face to Face becomes Messages of Hope

“Work has started to become very stressful as the pressure is on, I get married in 3 and a half weeks and I have just taken on my step daughter full time (my partner works fly in fly out).” – (A response to one of your Messages of Hope) Reaching out to people with the good news of Jesus Christ is our united call from God. Media gives us opportunities to share that good news with …

A God Given Gift – St John’s South Sudanese Fellowship

St John’s congregation in Geelong has been blessed to have a group of South Sudanese come to us, over ten years ago, to worship with us. They found us, we did not find them. These Nuer speakers were part of a Lutheran Church in South Sudan and Ethiopia, and also had contact with Lutheran World Service in the refugee camps. Over the years the number of refugees has grown, and there is now a group …

Where love comes to life … on a cold winter’s night.

It’s getting late on a cold winter’s afternoon. The sun is dipping below the hills and the temperature is plummeting – another frosty night. People are heading home to turn on the heating, crank up the electric blanket and prepare a hearty, hot meal. Then they will lock their doors and go to bed without a second thought as to whether they will be safe through the night. But imagine there’s no home to go …

Bags “Made with love by Maureen”

In 2018, LWSA-NT had their convention at Victor Harbor, which I attended. A report in the LWSA-NT Tidings newsletter said that Alice Springs Lutheran Community Care (LCC) Op Shop were giving away homemade fabric bags to people with their items purchased from the Op shop. I did not give this a lot of thought until I visited a craft market on the Fleurieu Peninsula, where a stall had bags made from Op shop pillowcases. They looked simple and easy to make. Just right for me to make while caravanning.
Read how Maureen’s industrious idea is showing God’s love.