Looking back… looking forward

Do you have a “let down” feeling as the days of our eagerly awaited, but necessarily cancelled, Lutheran Women of Australia (LWA) Triennial Convention approach? Here are some snippets from the Convention held just 40 years ago on 23,24 September 1981 at St Paul’s Lutheran Church in Toowoomba, Queensland. The theme for convention was “Aflame for Christ”. A report on the convention observed: “Toowoomba in springtime is aflame with brilliant colours of flowering trees, shrubs …

The Bible - the word of God

Bible Study – September 2021

WHERE IS GOD IN OUR SUFFERING – Part 2 Opening Prayer: Heavenly Father, as we continue our journey in your Word, open our hearts and minds to how you are with us in our suffering. May we be truly blessed through this time of fellowship around your Word. Help us to trust in your goodness and mercy which follows us all the days of our lives. May we always be assured of your presence with …

The open bible for devotion

Devotion – September 2021

Keeping it in the Family Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers. Galatians 6:10. Families can be complicated things! Growing up, my family was dad, mum, my sister and me. I feel very blessed to have an amazing family. We enjoyed each other’s company and looked forward to family holidays and special events celebrated together. I knew my family knew me, and …

A terracotta pot filled with pink and purple hyacinths in full bloom

Hyacinths for the Soul

“Never mind about the expense, dear. An evening out would be good for all the family. After all, you NEVER have a meal at a restaurant.” “You don’t think that it would be an extravagance Auntie Mae?” “Memories are worth more than money, my dear. Even in these hard times money is less important than people’s feelings. And remember about the pot of hyacinths?” The pot of hyacinths! It was one of Auntie Mae’s favourite …

The Bible - the word of God

Bible Study – August 2021

WHERE IS GOD IN OUR SUFFERING – Part 1 Opening Prayer: Heavenly Father, as we study your Word and have this time of fellowship around your Word, may we all be blessed through your Word and the discussions we have today. May we always be assured of your presence with us. In Jesus name. Amen. Theme Bible Verse: Open your Bibles and read Isaiah 40:27–31. Introduction Why do you say, O Jacob, and speak, O …

The open bible for devotion

Devotion – August 2021

Happy, Grumpy, Bashful, Boastful and Doc May I never boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world. Galatians 6:14. When we think of the word “boastful” it has a negative connotation. To boast is to talk excessively about your achievements or possessions. We associate the word with other words like bragging, flaunting, and swaggering. Maybe when you hear the word you …

Lutheran Women of Western Australia

God created the Rose in the likeness of Women
The Flower represents Beauty
The Stem represents Strength
The Petals are soft as skin
The Fragrance Pure and Sweet
The Leaves represents Arms Outstretched
Always loving, always giving
So, each time you look at a Rose remember
God Made You So Very Special

Lutheran Women of South Australia-Northern Territory

The 52nd Annual Convention, May 2018 was held at Victor Harbor with the theme Bloom where you are planted. The 252 in attendance were hosted by Victor Harbor “Coffee & Chat” group. Pastor Paul Lohe, Spiritual Advisor retired from the position. Later in the year we welcomed Pastor Mark Welke to the role. Support from Assistant Bishop for Mission, Stephen Schultz, is gratefully valued…

Lutheran Women of New South Wales and ACT

Greetings in the name of Jesus our Saviour. May his love strengthen and encourage you.
God can certainly throw us some curve balls!! The last three years have continuously been full of drama, upheaval, and change. I know that through all this God has been guiding, growing, and providing what we need, to do his will.

Lutheran Women of Australia President’s Report

This triennium I have met many beautiful, inspiring Lutheran ladies across Australia. I have seen your strength and love to each other and your support on a National and International level. An amazing amount of $388,818.93 has been raised for projects, even with a COVID year in the middle. Thank you one and all for contributions and your devotion and commitment, serving in your local areas supporting your congregations and State projects also…