Happy, Grumpy, Bashful, Boastful and Doc
May I never boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world. Galatians 6:14.
When we think of the word “boastful” it has a negative connotation. To boast is to talk excessively about your achievements or possessions. We associate the word with other words like bragging, flaunting, and swaggering. Maybe when you hear the word you can instantly picture someone you know. The word is not a positive attribute to give to someone. So why then do we find this word here in Galatians? And what does it mean to boast in the cross of Jesus?
For some the cross is simply a symbol, an icon of a religion, like the golden arches of McDonalds, or any other logo. As we read the story of Jesus death, or perhaps if you have ever researched into the act of crucifixion, you will know that the cross was the “logo” for ultimate punishment and brutality. But, for me, and hopefully for you too, it means so much more than that. When I look at the cross I see hope, forgiveness, and life. I see a miracle! Through the cross God does something amazing, he turns endings into beginnings, wandering into purpose and death into life. God turns this picture of cruelty, pain, and destruction upside down and it becomes the exact opposite. And the most amazing part of it all, he does it for me and he does it for you!
Boasting in the cross actually has nothing to do with us, and everything to do with Jesus and the indescribable love he displayed for us there. We should claim our possession of grace that belongs to each of us and also remember that it is a gift we don’t deserve, can never earn and yet one that is given to us freely and without reservation. I don’t know about you, but that makes me want to talk excessively about all that Jesus has done for me! Let’s boast in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Prayer:Jesus, we thank you for the cross, the place where you became sin for each of us. Help us to daily remember the amazing gifts of grace, love, hope and forgiveness you give freely to each of us. Help us to share these gifts with those you place around us. Amen.