St Luke’s Evening Fellowship, Albury, is a small group of about eleven members who continue to meet on the third Tuesday of each month.
Members are rostered to take the opening devotion of their choice, often using one from Lutheran Women. Pastor David Grulke leads us in Bible Study, the focus of our meeting and providing us with a greater insight into God’s Word.
Our program for the year has included a variety of activities and interesting guest speakers. We all enjoyed a games night playing “Scattergories”; watching a movie “Indivisable” at the Nicholson Park Community centre, part of the Lutheran Aged Care complex; a visit to Wrenwood Gallery and nursery; a police officer gave a PowerPoint presentation on personal safety and home security, also alerting us to scams; a demonstration of kuchen baking was held at Myrna’s home; Sarah Way provided a commentary on visual snapshots of her visit to Israel and the Holy Land as a participant on a study tour; Amanda Lustig from ALWS presented a comprehensive overview of current projects at a casserole dinner to which members from St Luke’s and neighbouring congregations were invited.
Members from our group continue to enjoy interaction with other Christian women: World Day of Prayer service; the Retreat held at Warrambui; LWNSW convention at Henty; the LWNSW zone fellowship day at Culcairn and a coffee morning at St Peter’s Lavington.
Our members have been able to provide good support for LWA and LWNSW projects; Tract Mission; Lutheran Media Ministry; to Hanna Schulz in PNG through Wycliffe Bible Translators; to ALWS following a casserole dinner and, through Albury Rotary Club, we purchased tickets for two disadvantaged children to attend Circus Quirkus.
Through Anglicare Albury we have provided 28 knitted/crotched quilts/rugs and 35 knitted teddy bears for children in foster care.
Members’ birthdays are remembered and those with special birthdays are presented with flowers – a number of our members are 90+! We end our meeting with prayer and enjoy some fellowship time with each other over supper provided by our monthly hostesses.
For our last meeting of the year we enjoyed an early Christmas dinner at a local venue inviting our partners and members of St Luke’s to join us. Those present had the opportunity to contribute to Gifts of Grace, which was generously supported.
Thank you to those who put together our Lutheran Women magazine which we use and enjoy, and which provides us with inspiring reading. Many blessings come from attending our meetings and we look forward to sharing these blessings with those around us.
Helen Diffey