Main Picture: Girls’ dormitory at Stang Girls’ School Lae – Morobe Province Greetings in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ from the coordinator, the staff, the teachers, and the board of the four Women’s Ministerial Training Schools (Wokmeri Trening Skuls) of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Papua New Guinea (ELC-PNG): Baitabag Wokmeri Training School in Madang District of Madang Province; Stang Wokmeri Training School in Yabem District of Markham District of Morobe Province; Sattleberg …
Luther Study Centre
The Luther Study Centre (LSC) is based in Pematang Siantar, Indonesia and aims to help church members, seminaries, and pastors to understand and appreciate Lutheran doctrine. To promote the work of LSC and to explore the needs of the people, LSC are teaching and equipping. The National Committee of the Lutheran World Federation in Indonesia (KN-LWF) regularly visits church leaders, member churches, and theological seminaries. Luther Study Centre is a new LWA project. Through your …
Support for scholarships helps train a new pastor in Malaysia
In Peninsula Malaysia there are eighteen officially recognised indigenous tribes. The ancestors of these indigenous (Orang Asli) tribes were the first people to populate the peninsula more than 4,000 years ago. Since then, most have continued a hunter-gatherer and small-scale agricultural lifestyle. Being an Orang Asli in Malaysia means facing many of the difficulties experienced by indigenous groups across the globe. Most of the forests that they depend on for their livelihoods are now owned …
Impactful support for Bethany Home
Bethany Home was established in 1966 and continues to provide training and an educational program for children and adults with special needs. As of April 2021, we have 117 children with special needs (intellectual deficiency, spastic, autism and epilepsy) coming from a multi-racial and multi-religious background. Activities/Events The COVID-19 pandemic affected many of our planned activities and events for the year 2020. Our activities were restricted due to the Movement Control Order and Conditional Movement …
What is hope in a time like this?
We live in a world where you don’t need to look far to find discouragement. The current covid-19 restrictions have devastated so many. While there have been countless acts of inspiring heroism and generosity, the crisis can seem insurmountable. And that’s just one thing. A volcano erupts in the Philippines. The US threatens war with Iran. Climate conditions worsen as political leaders continue to live in denial. The list goes on. Our hearts could break …
Bethany Home caring for special needs in the community
I was born into a Christian family and grew up in a church in the heart of Kuala Lumpur city. I am the only child of a pastor of a conservative Pentecostal church and my mother is a full-time church worker helping in the church’s evangelistic ministry. I joined the full-time ministry focusing on social work at the age of 21 when I joined a Street Evangelism organisation, that ministered among the people living on …
A passion and heart for Debora
This year Rosemary Winderlich again visited Debora in North Sumatra, Indonesia. Jo Veerhuis and Chris Stott joined Rosemary on the visit to the home supported by the Lutheran women across Australia.
In spending even a few minutes with Rosemary, it becomes clear she has a passion and a heart for Debora but now readily suggests: “I’m not as indestructible as I was”.
The following extracts from her journal include Rosemary’s reflections and offer great insights into Debora and the Indonesian culture. Her travels begin with the bus trip to Debora.
Lutheran Church of Cambodia
In Acts 16, the apostle Paul had a vision where the ‘men of Macedonia’ appeared before him and said, ‘Come over to Macedonia and help us.’ Concluding that God was calling him to go and preach the gospel there, Paul immediately packed up and went to serve in Macedonia.
Not many of us have such a powerful sense of purpose and calling, and perhaps even fewer respond to it so positively. But serving away from home in Cambodia, Singaporean Chak Mun is one who did respond to God’s call to ‘go over there and help’ and such has been his life ever since.