The Luther Study Centre (LSC) is based in Pematang Siantar, Indonesia and aims to help church members, seminaries, and pastors to understand and appreciate Lutheran doctrine. To promote the work of LSC and to explore the needs of the people, LSC are teaching and equipping. The National Committee of the Lutheran World Federation in Indonesia (KN-LWF) regularly visits church leaders, member churches, and theological seminaries.
Luther Study Centre is a new LWA project. Through your financial and prayerful support of LSC, following are ways we provide for our family of faith in Indonesia.
LSC invites theologians, pastors, ordained ministries, theology students, and lay congregations to participate in Being Lutheran, an online webinar gathering for people throughout the Indonesian Lutheran fellowship. These webinars include lectures and teaching from theologians from the LCANZ, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and KN-LWF Indonesia member churches and is an opportunity to connect with Lutheran brothers and sisters and engage in theological reflection on contemporary issues.
LSC provides programs for Sunday schools and youth. Videos of Bible stories and Luther’s teachings are made and placed on the internet. Sunday school teachers are trained in broadcasting skills so they can make creative Bible story videos for their own Sunday school children. These videos teach the young people to recognise themselves as children of God who need to be restored to the image of God through faith, believe in Jesus as Lord and Saviour, and live in fellowship and obedience with him. The goal is growth toward spiritual maturity, so that they can be witnesses for those who do not believe in Christ. During lockdowns, children and their families are invited to share in online quiz sessions and video contests.
LSC, together with the Lutheran youth and theology students, share Luther’s values and theology through the Sing Community and Faith video program on the internet (which has already attracted more than 1,800 viewers).
LSC provides theological education through the Lutheran Theology online course. There are 50 participants who join the webinar live via zoom. Dedicated lecturers lead participants deeply into Lutheran theology. Participants who take this online course can immediately use what they learn in their lives, families, and congregations. This online teaching allows participants to continue ministering in their congregation, without taking time out from their local ministry.
LSC runs catechism classes. This is a time when the church helps parents fulfill the promise they made to God when their child was baptised: to teach them the Lord’s Prayer, the confession of faith, the ten commandments, the Bible, and provide guidance in the Christian faith.
Christian Religious Education is an area of learning that falls within the formal curriculum program of Lutheran schools in Indonesia. LSC supports Lutheran schools through workshops which are attended by school principals and Christian teachers from KN-LWF member churches. Workshop participants are invited to ask their own questions, collect, analyse, critique, apply, and reflect on the content and teaching concepts.
LCS runs Church Music Training programs. These activities provide a means of developing church music that can accommodate and facilitate saxophone instruments. It is hoped that these programs will help church musicians become more familiar with musical instruments, learn more about church music, and be able to develop church music in accordance with the rules of liturgical music, by collaborating with current music developments.
LSC facilitates education and training for elders of the Indonesian Lutheran Churches. The purpose of implementing elder education is to increase the knowledge, understanding, and motivation of elders in carrying out their vocation in their community; improve their decision-making ability; establish good motivation, morals, and Christian values; and prepare qualified groups in each congregation which will ultimately improve the quality, effectiveness, and continuity of ministry.
LSC offers education and training for Indonesian Lutheran church pastors. They equip pastors with an understanding of Lutheran identity and tradition, as well as the differences between the law and gospel; with a sincere commitment to the service called and in accordance with the ordination promise/oath; and with a sincere heart for God’s mission for all people to be saved.
Please keep the Luther Study Centre in your prayers as they share the gospel of Jesus Christ, particularly in these challenging and uncertain times. Please pray for the six million Lutherans in Indonesia, that they will continue to grow in faith and love through the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Rev. Dedi Bakkit Tua Pardosi