Main Picture: Girls’ dormitory at Stang Girls’ School Lae – Morobe Province Greetings in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ from the coordinator, the staff, the teachers, and the board of the four Women’s Ministerial Training Schools (Wokmeri Trening Skuls) of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Papua New Guinea (ELC-PNG): Baitabag Wokmeri Training School in Madang District of Madang Province; Stang Wokmeri Training School in Yabem District of Markham District of Morobe Province; Sattleberg …
Feet of an Evangelist
Across the planet, some things in life don’t change. A young man marries a young lady. Dreams and future hopes shared! They have a child. He leaves her. Many young women and their parents know the heartache, the hurt and the broken dreams in this story. This is magnified when you are a young woman in a male dominated culture with little work, no welfare and one child.