Main Picture: Girls’ dormitory at Stang Girls’ School Lae – Morobe Province
Greetings in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ from the coordinator, the staff, the teachers, and the board of the four Women’s Ministerial Training Schools (Wokmeri Trening Skuls) of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Papua New Guinea (ELC-PNG):
- Baitabag Wokmeri Training School in Madang District of Madang Province;
- Stang Wokmeri Training School in Yabem District of Markham District of Morobe Province;
- Sattleberg Wokmeri Training School in Kote District of Finschhafen District of Morobe Province;
- Ukata Wokmeri Training school in Ukata District of Tewai-Siassi District of Morobe Province.
These schools provide training for girls/women, and leaders who serve the women in the 17 districts of ELC-PNG. Each of the four schools use a standardised curriculum. As the ELC-PNG Women’s Ministerial Training School Program Coordinator, I provide a three-year plan for the program and each school then provides its respective program for each year. The priority areas for this study are theology, general studies, and skills development. There are a total of thirty different courses offered.
The main objectives of the Wokmeri Trening Skuls program is to:
- prepare women to be good models of Christian leadership;
- strengthen the well-being of the students;
- prepare young women to be leaders in their community;
- empower women with a basic knowledge, skills, and develop their attitude towards sustainable life in the family and the community;
- empower and develop women to be a good Christian woman within the family and the community.
As well as financial support from others, the schools use their school canteen, sell poultry, baked goods, sewing, handicrafts, screen printing and the fresh produce and fish which are produced at the schools.
I come from Kakoro Village in the Gulf Province, Papua New Guinea. I attended Malalaua Provincial High School (Gulf Province) from 1979 to 1982. I completed my grade 10 back in 1982 and had a dream to become a nurse, but that did not happen because it was not God’s plan. I stayed back at home with my parents for three years (1983 to 1985).
In 1985, Hofagao Kaia (a teacher at Sattleberg Wokmeri Training School) came to my village and did awareness for girls and women to enrol at Sattleberg Wokmeri Training School. It was God who called me to serve him and to be faithful in sharing his gracious love in Jesus through my words and my deeds.
I enrolled at Sattleberg Wokmeri Training School in 1986 and graduated in 1987. From 1988 to 1990, I did three years of study at the Lutheran Church College at Banz, Western Highlands Province and graduated in 1990.
From 1991 to 1995, I held the position as the head teacher at Sattleberg Wokmeri Training School. I was then engaged as a teacher with the Stang Wokmeri Training School from 1997 to 2001, and then from 2004 to 2006.
From 2007 to 2009, attended Pacific Theological College in Fiji, taking up theological studies. I graduated with a Diploma of Theology. It was also in that same year that I participated with students from other Theological Colleges in the Pacific and abroad in a face-to-face program funded by the Council for World Mission in India for seven weeks.
In 2010 to 2011, I did understudy with Kemoa Nawi, for the post of the Women’s Ministerial Training School Program Coordinator and have held that position since 2012.
The National Women’s Training School Coordinator and the office is looking forward to working with any stakeholders and funders in improving, implementing, and sustaining the Womens Training programs in the four Women’s Training Schools of Evangelical Lutheran Church Papua New Guinea. We give praise and thanks to God as the Father of the garden. He can bless you all and give you peace.
Lulan Kae, Coordinator, Wokmeri Trening Skuls