Most people are not overly excited at the prospect of supporting scholarships for international partner churches. When it comes to mission work, it just doesn’t carry the same thrill that comes when we see pictures of missionaries reaching out to tribes in the jungles of North Sumatra, or the sense of ownership that comes from helping build churches in the mountains of northern Thailand. Yet scholarships for pastors to undertake advanced theological studies remain the …
Support for scholarships helps train a new pastor in Malaysia
In Peninsula Malaysia there are eighteen officially recognised indigenous tribes. The ancestors of these indigenous (Orang Asli) tribes were the first people to populate the peninsula more than 4,000 years ago. Since then, most have continued a hunter-gatherer and small-scale agricultural lifestyle. Being an Orang Asli in Malaysia means facing many of the difficulties experienced by indigenous groups across the globe. Most of the forests that they depend on for their livelihoods are now owned …
Lutheran Church of Cambodia
In Acts 16, the apostle Paul had a vision where the ‘men of Macedonia’ appeared before him and said, ‘Come over to Macedonia and help us.’ Concluding that God was calling him to go and preach the gospel there, Paul immediately packed up and went to serve in Macedonia.
Not many of us have such a powerful sense of purpose and calling, and perhaps even fewer respond to it so positively. But serving away from home in Cambodia, Singaporean Chak Mun is one who did respond to God’s call to ‘go over there and help’ and such has been his life ever since.