Woden Valley ACT, Immanuel Ladies Women’s Fellowship, continued to meet throughout 2021, although we did have to make concessions to meet the COVID-19 guidelines. We sat at a larger grouping of tables in the church hall, records of attendance were kept, masks were worn (except when eating), no unnecessary touching, and we brought our own individual lunches. Of course, there was much sanitising and cleaning going on! All strange at first but everyone adjusted quickly, …
Immanuel Women’s Fellowship, Buderim
Although our fellowship, as a “gathering together”, closed with the lockdown in March, our ladies kept in touch in various ways. The catch cry throughout COVID-19 was “You are not Alone”. Our members made sure each other felt they were not alone. Keeping in touch through phone calls, visiting where possible and distributing the Bible Studies titled “Women of the Bible”: Eve, Ruth, Esther, Hannah, Mary, Deborah. They would have been prepared for the Qld …
Immanuel Women’s Fellowship, Woden Valley
Immanuel Women’s Fellowship, Woden Valley, meets each month for Bible Study, fellowship and business. We have been blessed to have Pastor (now Bishop of LCA NSW District) Robert Bartholomaeus, lead most of our studies, usually those from Lutheran Women. For the past seven years, Pastor Robert researched and prepared ahead of time to make sure we gained maximum benefit from the material presented by the various Bible Study writers. We will miss his participation in …