Fruit and ancient fruitful hints – Grapes

In keeping with our Fruits of the Spirit theme and fruits mentioned in the Bible, we are supplying a recipe using the fruit featured each issue. Grapes Leaving fruits out to dry in the sun and air is one of the oldest methods of preserving food. Raisins and dried fruits are simple, wholesome foods, grown by nature and “made” by people basically the same way for thousands of years. The story is told that the …

Christian Women of Influence 1700-1900

New developments in recreation, commercialisation, and industrialisation led to a transformation in occupations available and life during these centuries. In England, although women could work, they could not vote, own land while married, go to a university, earn equal wages, enter many professions, and even report serious cases of domestic abuse. There were no anaesthetics and women sometimes died in childbirth. Infant mortality was high. About one child in four died before their fifth birthday. …

Saying Grace

A grace is a short prayer or thankful phrase said before or after eating. The term most commonly refers to Christian traditions. Some traditions hold that grace and thanksgiving impart a blessing which sanctifies the meal. In English, reciting such a prayer is sometimes referred to as “saying grace”. The term comes from the Ecclesiastical Latin phrase gratiarum actio, “act of thanks”. Theologically, the act of saying grace is derived from the Bible, where Jesus …

Observing Lent and Easter

In “A Handbook for the Discipline of Lent” the Lutheran author, The Rev. Thomas L. Weitzel, tells us the word “Lent” comes from the old English word “lencten”, meaning “lengthen”, referring to the lengthening of days in the northern hemisphere towards the spring equinox. In the southern hemisphere it is our period leading to autumn, so we need to remember that Israel, where the first Easter occurred, is in the northern hemisphere. The season of …

Welcome to a New Year

By the grace of God, we are at the beginning of another year of service to Lutheran Women of Australia and you, our valued readers. Without your support and interest there would be no magazine, and it would be a lonely time for many. So … what has 2022 in store for us? Many changes have taken place in the production of our magazine in the last six months. Perhaps the most significant for our …

As we see it

This (print) issue of our magazine marks the last for this year … and what a year it has been! Our hearts have ached for our dear sisters in Christ and their families and friends who have endured many hardships; perhaps the worst being separated from loved ones and inability to worship in your church families. Postal delays, industrial troubles and with our October issue a machinery breakdown (all beyond our control) have caused us …

Looking back… looking forward

Do you have a “let down” feeling as the days of our eagerly awaited, but necessarily cancelled, Lutheran Women of Australia (LWA) Triennial Convention approach? Here are some snippets from the Convention held just 40 years ago on 23,24 September 1981 at St Paul’s Lutheran Church in Toowoomba, Queensland. The theme for convention was “Aflame for Christ”. A report on the convention observed: “Toowoomba in springtime is aflame with brilliant colours of flowering trees, shrubs …

“We’ve come a long way, baby …”

A popular commercial in the 1960s used these words to publicise the advancement of women’s rights. An article in Lutheran Women 40 years ago, stated that women’s quest for equal rights “has impacted every part of our existence from things as frivolous as fashion to areas as serious as laws”. Some interesting facts quoted included: “In 1925, a woman’s work week totalled between 42 and 49 hours. Today [1981], with women having entered the work force with men, her …

A Blast from the Past

When making plans for the future, we often look back into the past. It is interesting to see what happened many years ago; to see what challenges and joys lay before the people making those plans. We have the privilege of seeing the results of the prayers, hopes and plans of Lutheran women as noted in our much-loved magazine over the last 54 years. Although our world and technology have changed dramatically over more than …

As I see it – Grace Bock

Everything that happens in this world happens at the time God chooses. Ecclesiastes 3:1 For those of us who live in the southern areas of Australia, where the seasons are more clearly defined, the changes in foliage and temperature serve as a timely reminder of our ever-changing world. The last twelve months have been a series of changes and challenges for us all, but when we take the time to stop and contemplate, we can …