By the grace of God, we are at the beginning of another year of service to Lutheran Women of Australia and you, our valued readers. Without your support and interest there would be no magazine, and it would be a lonely time for many.
So … what has 2022 in store for us?
Many changes have taken place in the production of our magazine in the last six months. Perhaps the most significant for our readers was the almost unanimous vote for each person to receive the magazine addressed and mailed directly to them. In hindsight it would have been good to see this happen before COVID-19 proved a stumbling block for many of you in receiving your copies. However, this did prove a real catalyst for the changes made.
A momentous decision has been made for Lutheran Women business management to be taken over by LWA. The end of December saw the closing of LCA Subscriptions as we knew it. Please be aware that subscriptions and any business pertaining to our magazine will now be under our management. You can make any inquiries pertaining to any subscription options by using the contact form on the Contact Us page. If making payments by cheque, they should be made out to “Lutheran Women Magazine”.
We are also happy to receive new print subscriptions at any time of the year. You do not have to wait until the end of the year to subscribe.
You will also notice that, during this year, the wrapping of your magazine will change due to a phasing out of the plastic currently used.
Last, but not least, we have taken a leap of faith. In keeping with good business practice, we have been looking at the printing and distribution costs and, in the process, we have found a new printer who will provide you with a quality product in full colour with the printing cost being less than our former magazine.
Our theme for this year is Praying through the Year, and Bible studies and devotions will follow this theme with a special focus on the Lord’s Prayer.
It is our prayer that you will be uplifted, encouraged, and informed during 2022, and we look forward to sharing the year with you.