Around 120 women/men/ministers/Bishops/visitors attended the 50th LWWA Jubilee Convention at Bethlehem Morley Lutheran Church on 4 May 2019.
Above: LWWA Executive (LtoR) Debbie Dreckow, Wendy Habel (LWA President), Ronda Hahn, Karen Crouch, Tracey Adams, Pirkko Snare, Angela Ziersch
The theme was Women in Faith through the generations Ephesians 3:20-21

Debbie Dreckow, Karen Crouch
It turned into a beautiful day, weather wise, after an early shower. Everyone was greeted by the committee with a little golden pack containing a golden biro, and a survival kit for eternal life.Also, in the bag was a hand-made cloth carry bag in various colours made by Maureen Turner, a member of the new Editorial Team of the Lutheran Women magazine. A tract was also inserted along with a postcard that ladies could write down any memories of ladies fellowship days that they wanted to share and left in a basket for collection.
A folder on the memories of past state presidents was a very interesting read for everyone.
The president Roslyn Zadow, who is still recovering from a severe infection, welcomed everyone to convention from her wheelchair. This welcome included: LWA Bishop John Henderson, WA Bishop Mike Fulwood, LWA President Wendy Habel and immediate past LWA president Tuula Contarino, the deputy mayor Mr Chris Cornish of Bayswater City Council and many visitors from interstate SA, QLD and VIC and, of course, pastors, ladies and men from our WA fellowships totalling around 120, which is the largest gathering we have ever had.

Tracey Adams, Desma Kuchel, Rachel Hage
Pastor Glenn Crouch led us in the Bible study “In the year of the Jubilee”. The word Jubilee comes from the Hebrew word for the trumpet made from a ram’s horn, and we shall see it blown at the start of this year. Which is supposed to occur every 50 years! The year of the Jubilee is also tied to the Sabbath Year, which is tied to the Sabbath itself. The texts, Exodus 20:8-11; Deuteronomy 5:12-15; Leviticus 25:1-7 and various other Leviticus texts focused on the Sabbath and the Jubilee. Along with The third commandment “Remember to keep the Sabbath day by keeping it holy.”
Projects for LWWA for this year are Sonshine Radio, Bible Society, Hannah Schulz Bible translator and Adult and Teen Challenge.
Collection for the day was split between ALWS and ALC for student assistance fund.

Bishop John Henderson, Graeme Lienert, Wendy Habel, Angela Ziersch
Fellowship day will be set for Saturday 24thAugust 2019 at the Anglican Swanleigh venue.
A poem titled, LWWA Celebrate 50 Years, was written by Angela Ziersch and was spoken a few times during the day.

Angela Ziersch ‘modelling’ a bag
We sang a variety of songs including our theme song The Pentecost Prayer. Then enjoyed a soup and subway lunch with much catching up. The beautiful cake was cut by Hanno Kemeny, the 1stPresident of LWWA. Along with past presidents standing with her. There were guest speakers: Suanne Tikoft – the Aboriginal Womens’ support worker in Alice Springs; Passing the faith through generations as spoken by Desma Kuchel, Tracey Adams and Rachel Hage; Erin Kerber from LCA International Missions; Maureen Turner – spoke about the bags she made for LWWA convention; and last of all LLL/LTM – Marie Pawsey.
The incoming committee was blessed by Bishop John Henderson: President, Ronda Hahn; Vice-President, Debbie Dreckow; Secretary, Karen Crouch; Assistant Secretary, Tracey Adams; Treasurer, Angela Ziersch and extra members, Pirkko Snare and Dianne Adams during the closing service. In memoriam was read out as the large candle was lit.
Convention closed and a dinner was held nearby and thoroughly enjoyed by all.

Past and present presidents (LtoR) Daphne Miegel, Tuula Cantorino, Wendy Habel, Grace Bock