LWWA CONVENTION, 1 May 2021 held at Kalgoorlie This being our 51st convention, and rescheduled due to COVID-19 last year, it was nearly cancelled again but, praise God, it has happened. This was the first time that St Pauls Lutheran Church Kalgoorlie-Boulder had ever hosted an LWWA convention. Each lady was presented with a pink design origami bird to attach, as a brooch, and larger ones in various shades of floral and pink, hanging like …
From East to West … and in between
It all began when Lutheran Women of South Australia-Northern Territory had a germ of an idea to take a group to attend the Lutheran Women of Australia (LWA) Convention in Parramatta, NSW (in the east), last year. It had been done before, so why not do it again. Word soon got around, and in the end more than forty intrepid women (and a few brave men) experienced a wide variety of travel and sight-seeing experiences, …
LWWA 50th Jubilee Convention
Around 120 women/men/ministers/Bishops/visitors attended the 50th LWWA Jubilee Convention at Bethlehem Morley Lutheran Church on 4 May 2019. Above: LWWA Executive (LtoR) Debbie Dreckow, Wendy Habel (LWA President), Ronda Hahn, Karen Crouch, Tracey Adams, Pirkko Snare, Angela Ziersch The theme was Women in Faith through the generations Ephesians 3:20-21 It turned into a beautiful day, weather wise, after an early shower. Everyone was greeted by the committee with a little golden pack containing a golden biro, and …