Trinity Women’s Guild, Warrnambool, was blessed to reach its 75th Anniversary on the 29 July 2020. Unfortunately, the group was unable to celebrate in the time-honoured way of fellowship with friends, good food, anniversary cake and a cuppa.
Ten ladies attended the first meeting in 1945. This was before the congregation had its own church. The membership fee was set at one shilling and sixpence. It was at one of these early meetings that a fund was established for church furnishings. Clothing coupons were used to purchase material to protect the communion vessels between services.
As this was the post WWII era, miles of bandages were rolled for New Guinea Mission. As the years passed, more items were purchased for the newly built church worship space and altar, or various cupboards in the vestry and Sunday School were built and paid for.
Around the time of the 25th Anniversary, the guild and the congregation were raising funds for a new organ. Every few years the guild hosted the LWV Western Zone rally, which continues to this day.
At the time of the 50th Anniversary, the guild was busy furnishing the new hall kitchen, and holding various fundraisers over several years to get the mortgage for the new hall paid. Without the guild’s impetus in fundraising, this debt would have lasted much longer. In 1996, the guild hosted the LWV Convention for the first time, and again, subsequently, in 2012.
Until April 2020, the guild has met regularly in the afternoon on the first Wednesday of every month. Meetings start with a devotion and prayer from the Lutheran Women magazine, and then Pastor leads a Bible study. Business is conducted, followed by afternoon tea and a chat. Sometimes there is a guest speaker, or the women join the Men’s Fellowship for a combined event such as a BBQ, or Christmas break-up.
Active members visit in-care, housebound and hospitalised congregational members. Milestone birthdays are remembered with flowers and cards. Guild caters for funerals and other events as required.
The guild has raised thousands of dollars for needy causes and our own church debt, when the congregation has gone ahead with major purchases and building programs.
Now, in our “not-so-new” new hall the guild continues to organise morning coffee, a time of conversation and friendship for the congregation and visitors. Guild women take care of the sanctuary, providing flowers, cleaning the brass, and laundering the altar cloths. Beautiful banners which adorn the church have been created and made by the guild’s women.
For 75 years the guild has played a crucial role in the congregation; the women thank and praise God for his care and guidance in the past and look to his continued blessings in the future.
We remember that, while our church doors have been locked, and our meetings closed down, Jesus still comes and stands amongst us. He gives us peace in uncertainty and doubt. We are women united in God’s love, and we place our thoughts and prayers into his hands.