The journey so far …

His doctor took his driving licence away!

From that time on, my wonderful, loving, physically fit husband’s behaviour changed – running away, not dressing correctly, irritable with me.

David went into respite care when I went to the USA with my daughter for the birth of another great-grandchild and a permanent place was found for him when I returned home.

It has been 18 months of watching him slowly losing memory of family and friends, and now he is mostly sleeping.

I know he is in a safe place and I leave him in our Saviour’s care, knowing assuredly that God, in his time, will take David to be with him in heaven.

In Bible times people like David would have been outcasts. Pray for the sick, weary, irritable people and thank God for the blessings of care we have for them in Australia.

About the Author

Melva Schumacher

Melva is a past President of Lutheran Women of South Australia. She is a member of Trinity Pasadena.

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