President's Reflections

President’s Reflections – December 2020

Trust, Love, Listen … Wisdom

This year has certainly been a long journey for many!

We have experienced in our different States, degrees of enforced isolation. Through this time many have been challenged in our trust of governments, sometimes we have failed to listen to the right messages!

We have certainly had time to reflect, rest in the quiet ‘forced’ periods of 2020.

I have ‘over done’ – glued to different forms of digital media – Pinterest (quilting/patchwork), being swept away, wasting time, when I could have been doing housework! But at the same time, I have been blessed.

Visiting many places of worship on Sundays, the faithful pastors presenting God’s message from the Bible readings, “Messages of Hope” (Pastor Richard Fox) and “Happyland”, shared through online Facebook, YouTube – weekly morning and evening devotions.

Trust (of God) has been shared through these messages, showing love as we listen in the quietness of the moment.

Ecclesiastes 9:17 The words of the wise heard in quiet are better than the shouting of a ruler among fools.

Resting in quietness and trusting in God brings us into a freedom we don’t have when we trust in other things.

As we approach the Advent season sharing together our journey to Bethlehem, we also look to the cross, from baby to man, a child of God to the Saviour of the world, the promise fulfilled.

When we pray, we do this to express love and worship to God; to humble oneself before God; to confess and repent; to overcome temptation and dedicate ourselves to God; to strengthen prayer; to seek God’s guidance; to express concern for the work of God.

The core functions of Lutheran Women have always been worship, Bible study, fellowship, and service, but with different emphasis at different times. We certainly have experienced that this year.

As we look to a new year, I am reminded of the words of Proverbs 8; the wisdom that has come from God is so different from our wisdom. It teaches us humility and love and joy in serving, and brings us to the knowledge of the greatest wisdom. Our Lord is calling out to each one of us, through the death of his precious Son, and we are forgiven – HIS SAVING WISDOM.

2006 LWV Convention Theme Song – Tune AT 157: Jesus Name above All Names

Wisdom More Precious Than Rubies

Wisdom. God gives us freely
More precious than rubies, you gave us Your Son
To suffer, save us and free us
Redemption is ours. Eternally

Wisdom. More precious than rubies
Ask for God’s wisdom. Everyday
To love You. Serve You and praise You
We kneel before you. Eternally

Wisdom. God grant us wisdom
More precious than rubies. Our Saviour Divine
Forever. Worship and praise Him
Precious Redeemer. Forever Adored.

Written by Helen Barras, inspired by Norma Koehne’s poem


About the Author

Wendy Habel

Wendy is President of Lutheran Women of Australia and a member of the Editorial team.

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