Dear Heavenly Father, the good news of your Gospel creates fruit in our hearts when we consider the sinful condition of our hearts, this is truly a miracle, thank you Father. Uphold the work and the fellowship of Lutheran women throughout this coming new year. Give us faith that is founded securely on your Word, never deviating from the truth of Scripture. Remind us how precious this truth is and that, without you, we can do nothing that is pleasing in your sight. Keep us from the desire to follow our own hearts that would lead us away from your will. Protect us from all evil and fill us with your peace. In the name of Jesus our Lord we pray. Amen.
About the Author
Dee Simons
I was born in the Wimmera district of Victoria (Minyip) and raised in the Western District of Victoria. My husband, Bruce, and I have been blessed with three children. We have recently been gifted with our first grandchild. Our home is situated in the scenic township of Dunkeld and we are members at Trinity Lutheran Church, Warrayure. During the week you will find me behind the front desk at Good Shepherd Lutheran College in Hamilton. I have worked at the college over the past 17 years. I wish to acknowledge my family – often the first to hear a new devotion, and all those people who encouraged and inspired me to keep writing, giving me opportunity to share these words. Finally, I thank and give all glory to God, who I know, without any doubt or hesitation, is the one who holds my pen. Often after I finish a devotion and read back over the words, I am flabbergasted that I actually wrote them. I know that there is a higher power directing my thoughts to paper. The Holy Spirit is at work here and I am always emotionally touched when I think that this God would even contemplate to use me to do his work. That is the true miracle. My prayer is that God will bless you through these devotions.