We begin in prayer: Loving Heavenly Father, you have created us in your image. We thank you for this. As you created us in your image, you encourage us to yearn for the Fruit of the Spirit, including to have self-control. Please help us with self-control in all the circumstances that we face in life. In Jesus’ name. Amen. Read Galatians 5:22,23. Did anything strike you? Each attribute of the Fruit of Spirit are characteristics …
Bible Study – December 2023
In our October Bible study Sal Huckel referred to the fruit of the Spirit as a bunch of grapes. Another way to look at the fruit of the Spirit is like a mandarin or orange. Both fruits have an outer skin. It is only as you delve underneath the skin that you can see, or discern, the different segments of the fruit. To really enjoy the orange or mandarin you need to eat all of it. So, today we look at the fruit of “gentleness”.
Read the Pastor Peter Klemm’s full Bible Study …
Bible Study – September 2023
Gracious Triune God, you were there at the beginning of creation. You brought everything into being simply by a spoken Word. Be with us this day as we again study your powerful and living Word. Allow your Word to create, nurture, and sustain the faith that you first gave to us in our baptism. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.
Bible Study – August 2023
Good and goodness are two words that are popular in everyday language. Many of us have a preconceived idea of what they mean. As a parent of pre-teens, I hope and pray that my children are good in public and at home. I also hope that I am a good husband and a good father.
We often hear that people hope to go to heaven because they have been a “good” person in this life; yet if they do not have a “personal” relationship with Jesus this may not be so.
Read Pastor Peter Klemm’s Bible Study on Goodness here …
Bible Study – March 2023
The Fruit of Love Last month we started looking at the Fruit of the Spirit. This month’s study focuses on the Fruit of Love. Love is mentioned 551 times in the Bible. If any of us listen to the radio, we may have heard the song What’s love got to do with it? It was a song that was released in 1984 by Tina Turner. It is a pop song that talks about love and …
Bible Study – February 2023
Before we begin: What is your favourite fruit to eat and why do you like it so much? Please discuss with group. Many people like fruit trees and the produce that comes from them. If we are prone to eating fruit, we find that, in moderation, it is good for us. However, if we have too much or too little fruit, we may find that we have some health issues that we need to deal …