As I see it … Built on Bedrock

Marion Hollinger is Editor-in-Chief of Tapestry, the official publication of Lutheran Women’s Missionary League – Canada.

A few years ago, the magazine I edit used the theme Built on Bedrock. Tsunamis sometimes happen and we watch on television as buildings crumble and are washed away. I think about Christ’s illustration in Matthew 7:24–27 of the different results for the man who built his house upon sand and the one who built upon rock. 

Bedrock … just what does it represent in our lives? Some might identify it as sound doctrine or as strong faith. Certainly, the idea of bedrock provides a good illustration of either. But these two examples might better illustrate the foundation built on the bedrock of the Word of God, both the book itself and the Word made flesh in Jesus Christ. It emphasises for me the importance of not just studying the Scriptures, but of reading them right through, over and over, poring over this love letter from a God who proclaims his love for us in every chapter and putting ourselves in a place where the Holy Spirit works the faith and love God desires in return.

We often get caught up in activity and neglect time for study of God’s Word. Merv Budd in an article in the magazine, Faith Today says, “We have become a people who are so busy, so active—and, I believe, at an unhealthy and unsustainable pace—that we fail to reflect theologically on what we’re doing and why we’re doing it. … We have no time to think on God’s Word or spend time listening to the Christ with whom we claim to be in a personal relationship. … I question if much of our activity is primarily birthed from reflection upon God’s Word—it seems more the result of an addiction to activity.”

The importance of the Word of God, our bedrock, was woven throughout that edition of Tapestry. We were guided through the included Bible studies and encouraged to take our own Bible with us to classes, worship and meetings (both as a witness to others and for our own quick reference). We looked at how God’s Word helps in times of persecution and how a Lutheran education builds on the bedrock of the Scriptures and changes our worldview. And one writer reminded us of the importance, despite the fingerprints and cookie crumbs, of welcoming families with small children into our buildings and worship services, “Where else do they learn of Jesus?” Where else will they learn of the love God has for each of them, a love in which the response of each individual matters and begin building a foundation on the bedrock of Jesus?

About the Author

Marion Hollinger

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