The Parkes/Forbes Parish recently welcomed a new pastor, James Leach, his wife and six children aged from one to sixteen.
They are delighted to have a new shepherd after a vacancy of about three years. The Ladies Guild has been in recess for most of that time but, hopefully, this will not always be the case. Natural attrition, families moving away, and illness always create difficulties, but new people join the congregation, others recover from illnesses and now there is Pastor Leach preaching God’s Word and giving encouragement. Numbers are not the most important element in maintaining a group, but they do help.
In the meantime, congregational ladies continue to help groups in need. Some deliver Meals-on-Wheels in the local area; at Christmas time biscuits are baked, packed and, together with a Christmas tract, delivered to all those Meals-on-Wheels recipients who don’t have families or anywhere to go on Christmas Day. Parkes Lutheran Church Cookbooks used to be sold through the Christian Bookshop which has now closed. Cookbooks are still selling but through the Parkes Visitors Centre which has enjoyed increased traffic due to their famous “Elvis” Festivals, the 50th Anniversary of the Parkes Radio Telescope (The Dish) and the expanding Railway Hub. These sales are financing copies of Lutheran Women magazine for distribution within the church as well as covering other Guild-type expenses.
The Church communities of Parkes have banded together to pray for rain as the situation is dire in the area. Once a month, in turn, a group meeting is held in various locations to offer concentrated prayer for useful, drought-breaking rain. We have had showers only, so why not join us? Everyone is welcome to add their voices to the many already being raised. Be with us in spirit!
A devotion from the book “Jesus Calling”, a favourite of mine, reminds us that at 2 am, when worries loom large and sleep seems impossible, we need to be courageous and not give up. God is always working, and he has a plan for us! Our job is to trust him and leave our cares in his hands. Then calm, and sleep, is possible.
We thank God for his many blessings to us as we hope and pray for patience and continue to work in his service.
Marion Unger and the Parkes Ladies