Murbko Ladies Guild

Murbko Ladies Guild continue to meet on the third Tuesday afternoon of each month.

Bible Study from the Lutheran Womenis led by Pastor Peter Traeger and is the highlight of our meetings. Many and varied discussions usually result – sometimes questions asked are not related to the Bible study of the day.

Despite a membership of only seven, we are able to continue to support LWSA-NT projects with monetary donations. A trading table is held at each meeting to help boost funds.

In April 2018, three members joined the Swan Reach Christian Women’s Group on a trip to Adelaide. We visited Koorong Book store, St Peters Cathedral, LLL and LTM in North Adelaide. In June 2018, some of our members joined Swan Reach ladies for a Bible Society luncheon. Nicaragua was the designated country and we enjoyed food specific to Nicaragua.

Members attended the Riverland Zone Rally at Loxton in September. At our November meeting, 45 bags of honey biscuits were packed for LCC. Despite a small membership, it is amazing where all the honey biscuits come from! There are always surplus biscuits which are distributed locally to elderly residents at Blanchetown and former members in Nursing homes. Our future is in God’s hands as we continue to meet in Fellowship, study God’s Word and support needy projects.

In closing, I wish to share this quote: “God’s heart is the most sensitive and tender of all. No act goes unnoticed, no matter how insignificant or small.”

Monica Smith

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