Conversations: Jesus and … Mary and Martha with love (John 11:17–44) There are so many natural disasters that befall different parts of the world. Then there are road accidents or situations that maybe you have witnessed or unfortunately have been a part of. I hear stories from people who have been so close to being in an accident, but also sad stories of those who seem to be in the “wrong place at the wrong …
Bible Study – October 2024
Conversations: Jesus and … Jairus (Matthew 9:18,19, 23–26; Mark 5:21–24, 35–43; Luke 8:40–42, 49–56) In 2011, St Peter’s Lutheran Church in Loxton staged an Easter play called “Anna’s Hope”, a Little Town Production. Some of you may have even been fortunate to see it! The play was based on the meeting of Jairus and Jesus leading to the healing of Jairus’ daughter whom the writer named Anna. It was exceptionally poignant and left one with …
Bible Study – July 2023
Random Acts of Kindness The “Random Acts of Kindness” movement started in 1982 by an activist, Anne Berkley from the San Francisco Area. She wrote an article about this in response to an article on senseless violence. The movement took off and gained momentum with a National Random Acts of Kindness Day falling on February 17 each year. “A random act of kindness is a non-premeditated, inconsistent action designed to offer kindness towards the outside …
Bible Study – June 2023
The Art of Waiting! (Patience) I always thought I was a patient person, until I was told I have to wait. I can be patient enough when I am not in a hurry, but when I am in a hurry or want things to get done and in my time frame, maybe I am not so good at waiting. Maybe I have fooled myself into thinking I am patient, when really, I am not. When …
Bible Study – May 2022
Some people only pray when they are caught in a crisis. In the classic story of Huckleberry Finn, a story by Mark Twain, “Huck” and Jim (a runaway slave) are caught in a severe storm as they float down the Mississippi River on a raft. Jim pleads, “Huck, aren’t you going to pray?” Huckleberry Finn responds, “It ain’t bad enough yet”.
Read Anne Hansen’s Study on being ‘Close to God in Prayer’.
Bible Study – April 2022
By day the Lord directs his love, at night his song is with me – a prayer to the God of my life. Psalm 42:8 (NIV)
A little boy was afraid of the dark. One night his mother told him to go out to the back porch and bring her the broom. The little boy turned to his mother and said, “Mama, I don’t want to go out there. It’s dark.”
Read the full Bible Study which tackles the idea of: “God pleasing prayers”
Remain in God’s Love
“Keep yourselves in God’s love as you wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to bring you to eternal life.” Jude 21 (NIV) Some of my most beautiful memories are of Easter Sunday morning. In all the different parishes we have been, the sunrise service gives me “goosebumps”. Maybe it is the freshness of the morning and the significance that it was at sunrise that our Saviour Jesus Christ rose from the grave …
Mission for the World
Recently, at my church, we had a ‘Mission Festival’ Sunday. A day that we focussed on, not only the work the Lutheran Church of Australia (LCA) does in overseas (International) mission, but also what the LCA does with local and home missions. As a church we try to reach out to all those who need to hear the Gospel and the saving love of Jesus. During the service, Lutheran Tract Mission was also mentioned as …