Turning People’s Throw-Outs/Rubbish into a little money to give to others who have nothing – not even rubbish
St Mark’s Ladies Guild, Ingham, no longer exists as a group, but two of the original members (with the help of four other ladies and three men) have a heart for raising money through garage sales and home baked goodies.
These sale days are held at regular intervals throughout the year to support mission work, donating to the Lutheran Women Projects, as well as donations to Asia Focus Australia, Christian Blind Mission Australia, Open Doors Australia Society, India Village Ministries and Bible League.
Goods are accepted, mainly stored at Tuula and Joe Contarino’s home – cleaned, priced, and then sold on the day, overflowing from the garage to under the shade of huge star-apple tree and mango trees. This is also a wonderful time of fellowship for those not working to catch up with friends over cups of brewed coffee, ribbon sandwiches and sweet treats in the shade of the big shady trees.
COVID-19 restrictions delayed an Easter garage sale for a few months in 2020 but, recently, two garage sales have netted $2,874. Thanks be to God!
St Mark’s, Ingham, has no resident pastor but are blessed to have five lay readers. Far North Qld (Mackay in the south, west to Mt Isa and north to Hopevale Mission) has disbanded as a LWQ Zone some years ago. Long distances to travel and ageing members prevent Zone activities from happening as they did in the past, but Lutheran women continue to meet for Bible study and fellowship in the towns of Cairns and Mackay.
1 Thessalonians 5:11: Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.
Together in Christ, Tuula Contarino