President's Reflections

President’s Reflection – August/September 2020

Are you ready to serve …?

These last couple of months have put challenges before us. Have you been connecting with your friends by phone, text messaging or by online devises – emails. Have you been able to “head to church” in your pyjamas and been spoilt by church “hopping” to several congregations throughout Australia? I have been blessed to have the technology to be able to worship, at sometimes up to four different church services on a Sunday, and during the Easter period I had been watching on YouTube Pastor Sam or Pastor Josh and Pastor Fraser for Morning or Evening Prayer.

The reason I mention this is as restrictions are slowly lifted, will you continue to serve in the same way as you have been through the COVID-19 time. Serve, you say, I haven’t been doing that! Yes, you have! Don’t underestimate the value of a phone call. You are serving, you are reinforcing to the person that you speak with, you are important, God loves you, and I love you because God first loved us.

In this edition of our Bible studies, Val reminds us how we can share our faith and, at the same time, reassure those who have been questioning as they struggle to understand what has been happening with COVID-19. Be prepared as we start to circulate again, to give to those who ask the reason for your faith.

The phrase … simple but true … is a broad term. But as Christians it is simple – Jesus loves you; true – Jesus died and rose for you. How firm a foundation is this!

When we uphold this in daily prayer, God will give you the words that you need to share your faith. Don’t stop with your Christian friends, there are many lost and bewildered potential “friends” out there. They too are searching for direction. You may be the one God uses to point them in the right way.

What could be more comforting in this world when we remember to share God’s Word first and the rest will come easy. This is simple and true!

Remember, God does not ask us to do impossible tasks on our own power. He promises to be with us through everything that we are going through, changed situations, and restrictions.

Read 1 Corinthians 1:4–9

He created us and now he is the One who will help us reach our full serving potential as we stay in tune and walk with him daily.

About the Author

Wendy Habel

Wendy is President of Lutheran Women of Australia and a member of the Editorial team.

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