LWV and Tas President’s Report

53rd Convention at St Philips, Tarneit.

Green and purple balloons greeted everyone on 4 May 2019 for the LWV and Tas Convention. These colours were repeated at the round tables, decorated with quizzes, prayer cards and jugs of water flavoured with cucumber, lemon, and mint. The 97 attendees enjoyed the friendly, cafe-like ambience under the theme of Walking in Wisdom Proverbs 2:6a.

Pastor Mark Winter led the opening worship, emphasising how God is a loving God whom we can trust, explaining that trust is different from knowledge. Later, Pastor Adrian Kramer, the LWV and Tas Spiritual Advisor, challenged us during the Bible study with questions about wisdom and its comparison to knowledge. Knowledge means attaining facts, but wisdom is applying knowledge. God gives wisdom and walking in wisdom is walking in faith.

How fascinating it was to listen to Faye Schmidt, the guest speaker, who spoke on behalf of the Prayer Shawl Ministry team at St Philips. Knitters use the Trinity stitch, three purl/three plain, to make shawls for those in need. While knitting, participants pray or reflect on sections of Scripture that are in threes, e.g. faith, hope and love, or Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy, Lord have mercy. Before being gifted, the shawls are brought to the altar to be blessed. Faye announced that ninety-seven shawls had been made and that this worthwhile outreach program had extended to knitted beanies for children in war-torn areas and blankets for stillborn babies.

It was enlightening to listen to the various speakers from International Missions, ALWS and Lutheran Media Ministry who acknowledged the efforts, prayers and financial support of LWV and Tas for their projects and activities. Once again, the LLL speaker made their support of projects within the Church and financial statistics sound so exciting.

Entertainment was provided by Anna (Linky) Miller, a harp therapist. As a Harp Therapist and Pastoral Counsellor, Anna explained how the music provides a feeling of peace and calm, so conducive to healing. This was experienced by all during her performance.

Bishop Lester Priebbenow closed the convention with his devotion based on 1 Corinthians 1:18–25 showing us that true wisdom is with Jesus Christ, the crucified. The installation of the LWV and Tas Executive followed. A huge thank you was extended to the Tarneit ladies for hosting a wonderful convention.


Retreats were held at the Tandara and Araluen Camps, Melton, Jeparit, Pakenham and Bendigo. The Bible study leader, Robyn Kuchel, challenged attendees to examine their beliefs and actions in seeking God’s will with the topic of Your Kingdom Come.

Zone Rallies

Two Zone days filled with fellowship, Bible study, interesting speakers and, of course, yummy food were held. The Hamilton Fellowship held the first in April for the Western Zone with the theme being Trust. In August, the Horsham Fellowship hosted the Wimmera Mallee Zone Rally with Treasures in Clay Jars being the theme.

Jenny Gellert, President

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