You now have in your hands, or are reading on-line, the second edition for 2022 of this wonderful magazine, lovingly put together by the editorial committee.
I trust you enjoyed the first edition, which now comes to you in full colour, from front to back cover. Bible studies to share, in time, together and renew us for our daily living; the inspiring stories; and it’s going to be great to see photos (in colour) of events held throughout the year across the country, and see the displays prepared to enhance themes etc. Who knows, you may even be inspired by the talents of those who masterfully create some wonderful floral arrangements.
So, while you are enjoying the ‘read’, how about encouraging others to join us.
In recent times, we know of many fellowships/guilds who have chosen to go into recess or close, quite often due to aging membership. There are some who still come together for Bible Study times. They may not be meeting formally, but please encourage them to still receive this wonderful magazine.
If you are able to assist someone to place an order and have their names added to the mailing database, please do so. It can be ordered anytime during the year.
Many faithful members have given generously to support the many projects determined over the years, especially those supported through LCA International Mission, an organisation of the LCA which greatly values all the support given by LWA. On-going articles will give information of work being performed by missionaries whom we can support through these projects.
How about gifting a subscription to someone of a younger age-group in your family, or in your congregation, so that they can come to learn of what many of us have known to be part of our lives for many, many years?
You’ll find the subscription product in our online store here.