The Bible - the word of God

Bible Study – November 2019

The Year of Jubilee – Part 2 Note: before the study you may want to read all of Leviticus 25. Recap God gifted Israel with the Land. It was and always would be his! Israel was to work it and look after it, and in the process look after each other. The Sabbath was for the Rest and Restoration of the people. The Sabbath Year was for the Rest and Restoration of the Land – …

The Bible - the word of God

Bible Study – October, 2019

The Year of Jubilee – Part 1 Note: before the study you may want to read all of Leviticus 25. Introduction The word “jubilee” comes from the Hebrew word for “the trumpet” made from a ram’s horn and, as we shall see, was blown at the start of this year, which was supposed to occur every 50 years. Thus, in our culture, the term “jubilee” has often become synonymous with “50th anniversary”. The Year of …